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After Christmas Sales Frenzy

Brian Mitchell

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I went out this morning and hit up Walmart, Kmart and Home Depot. There was very little left for lights left anywhere. All the stores cleaned up pretty good this year. Walmart had no regular lights left except for some nets. I did get a couple boxes of twinkling stars and a half dozen candy canes for spares. At Kmart all I found was some 35ct gold lights. I got 10 boxes of those for my coro projects. Home Depot basically had nothing left.

Noone had a lot of candy canes left. My hopes are not good for the 10cent a box price I can usually get for them. I gave away over 1900 this year. I have 6 packages left.

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I waited outside our local Target with 20 other crazies and picked up 10 snowflakes. They were half off which came out to be $12.50 each.

Attached files 296676=16397-snowflake.jpg

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2 18' Red Rope Lights ($3.49)
2 Boxes of C9 25 Lights ($3.99)
6 Candy Canes ($1.49) -Sad but had to.

2 18' Green Rope lights ($3.45)
2 18' Blue Rope Lights ($3.45)

The crowd was crazy and I was surprised to see Walmart had anything left because they had about the same amount of stuff as they did a week ago..

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12 boxes red led teardrop 60ct lights

2 ea. red and green 18' rope light
a couple C7 strings
Red C9's were out, so kills my Fourth project

Some things I'm waiting before I leap

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All the big box stores in Northern Indiana are cleaned out. There are a few lights available at some lowes and one wal-mart, but are still expensive @ half off. Hard to admit, but I am going to pay $1.67/box 100 Incans because I need them for next year. Hoping to get 100 boxes of red, 50 of white, 50 of green. Think my plans for blue are going to be dropped.

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Seen a few boxes of icicles and that swagging lights. Some other crazy light thing. 2 green and a bunch of red lit candy canes. I snared 13 of the red candy canes and in the process of pulling 12 of 24 green ones from my display and replacing with the red so that they alternate. Otherwise Was not interested in the stuff wally world had to offer. But dang did you see all of the wrapping paper?

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I used a bunch of the GE color changers in my display this year since my CCR's went down. I will posting a review soon. I had 2 bad strings but easily returned them. I have already taken a spare set apart and hacked it into my Lighting console.

* Be sure the transformers are tightly screwed on and covered. Even the moisture of a heavy fog can [Foul Language Used] these things off if they are not sealed properly. Also pick up a few extra transformers. We also had one go during December.


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Brian Mitchell wrote:

Noone had a lot of candy canes left. My hopes are not good for the 10cent a box price I can usually get for them. I gave away over 1900 this year. I have 6 packages left.

I feel your pain. We picked up about 200 boxes of the large canes for 8 cents per box (of 12) last year at Wally World. Last week I browbeat a Wally mgr into selling me 100 boxes at half price. We used the last of them last night. Today we went to Target and got another 70 boxes (all they had) for half price and we're hoping they will last the week. Next year is looking expensive - might have to choose between more lights and more candy canes.
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imacericg wrote:

I waited outside our local Target with 20 other crazies and picked up 10 snowflakes. They were half off which came out to be $12.50 each.

Accidently, elbowed a kid in the head to get the last one of these at my Target. Kid moved in when I didn't see him, totally his fault. Now I have about 15 of these, LOVE them.
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Could get 70 ct LED strings 30% off, but think I'll order from CDI as their sale price is better then the 30% off price. Went to HD, NOTHING! Went to Target and scored some over-sized ornaments for the Japanese Maple out for next year (adding to what I have).

Tom Straub

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For the first time in 5 years I didn't go to any after Christmas sales. I checked most of my usual stores out last week and none of them had anything that interested me. Whatta bummer...

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