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lights blinking


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 I have a CMB 24  -V6 board 

for some unknown reason  the all the lights are blinking   !!!

I have used led tester at the board  and all 24 circuits  work but they blink instead of being stead on  can anyone tell me  if it is a  fallt with the board and would  need returning  to lor or is there some way of fixing the problem ?

thanks in advance 


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CMD24D can do stand-alone. Make sure you haven't loaded a stand-alone sequence in there previously. Connect to HWU, check out the Stand Alone tab, and press Delete to remove any possible sequence loaded on to the card. Disconnect power, try again.

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My first thought would be power.

Try a few strings at a time to rule that out. In fact, try one string at a time.

I had a p/s go and only one string out of 8 was blinking. Would of never thought p/s. Did everything but that like removing each string and testing that string on another board and each time a different string would blink. Replaced p/s and all was good.


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