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Sequence Templates


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ISSUE:  I have created a complex animation for musical sequences using 4 "Singing Christmas Trees".

I have a "canned" sequence that I would like to use with my custom animation. The steps I'm using

to create a "new" musical sequence are as follows:

(My Sequence Editor is V3.11.2 Advanced)

1. I open the "canned" sequence in the Sequence Editor. 

2. I then open a "new" musical sequence which first prompts for the media file.

3. I point to the "canned" sequence MP3 file and the SE opens with a dialog box to select

    the timing events for the sequence.  This dialog is also the vehicle I use to import the

    saved Channel Config file I created with my custom animation. 

4. The channel config file from my custom animation exactly matches the channel config

    of the "canned" sequence.

5. At this point, I would like to use the "timing" that was used with the "canned" sequence but
    I don't see an option to do this so I select BEAT WIZARD and launch it.

6. When BEAT WIZARD completes I select APPLY AND EXIT

7. So far, so good.... my custom animation appears when I select VIEW ANIMATION.

8. I open the "canned" sequence and COPY the "Singing Christmas Tree" sequence and

    then paste this into the "new" sequence.  All looks good.

9. When I "Play" the sequence, the music works and the animation works HOWEVER they are

    not in sync.


I suspect it is the "timing" grid that is the issue. 


Am I trying to do something that the SE software can't do??  Is there a way to import

a sequence with both the channel config AND timing??

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An afterthought.... and probably a much simpler question to accomplish the

same goal.... is it possible to import or cut/paste an existing animation into

a new sequence???

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the timmings need to be the same also make sure when copy paste you have it set to paste by time not cell.

when in channel conf you can set timmings

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You should be able to go from the end of the sequence back to the front highlight the entire thing then right click. Click on copy timing.
Then go to a new sequence and at the beginning at 0:00.00 right click and paste timing at 0:00.00

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If you find that the timings are off slightly throughout the sequence, you can go under Edit, Skew track to jog the audio left or right to line it up.

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Thanks for the input guys - that was helpful.      Just worked through John Storm's video last night on how you can directly import timings from Audactiy.


It was a really good video and I highly recommend it for anyone with 2 or more years experience. It will definately help raise the quality level of your work.       https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MCqTb0f8VKI

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