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Encrypted Sequence Cannot Be Copied


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Another fun event.  I am Trying to edit/update last years sequences.  I get an error while copying channel data....  "Data from an Encrypted sequence cannot be copied except on the sequence's Originating computer."  I added to the sequence last year.  I have my own stuff in there that I am copying, not even the CCR data.  For example: Last year I bought a CCR sequence, then added my additional controllers.  So this year I am trying to copy that channels data and paste it on my other channels and I am getting this error.


I work between 3 different computers work, house and office.  I am sure I deinstalled and reinstalled software several times as well.  Is this an issue?  I don't know what computer I did the work on.  What can I do here?  I want to copy channel data to newly imported channel config file channels.



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I just was looking around again and saw this post.  http://forums.lightorama.com/index.php?/topic/33585-encrypted-sequence-copy-error/?hl=%2Bcannot+%2Bcopied

I was on the plane last week and my work pc had the demo error perhaps I got to open it there and resave.  Wow I did this to all my sequences.

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Yep.. I'm the one that posted that ... and Don was 100% on that...

I just added one of my 5 licenses to the laptop I was working on and poof .. a portable sequence...


As I mentioned.. I thought that controlling the lights was the only thing the demo wouldnt do ..

Seems there are other little hidden gems in the demo version as well ..



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