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Cannot address DMX Decoder from LOR Software Suite


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I have used LOR for a number of years. Until this year I have use the LOR network. I am moving to DMX to give me additional flexibility. I have my two 16 channel Show Time units working without problem on DMX. I am using a ENTTEC OPENDMXUSB interface between my comuter and a DMX Distro amplifier. I am using a standard CAT5 cable between the Show Time units. That is working like a champ.

I also have 3 other displays using DMX that I cannot get to work.

I have a large tree with LED RGB strips on it. I have 8 stips and 8  PX24506 units driving the strips. I start my DMX Addresses for the other displays at 64 to make sure I am not in the range of the Show Time units.

When the sequence calls for the first LED RGB strip to illuminate, all strips come on on all three displays at full intensity for all RGB channels. Once the LED stips come on, they will not go off untill I power down the display.

In testing, I removed one control box for a window display wit two of the PX24506 units and carried it into the house to directly connect the DMX interface to that unit -thereby eliminating the distro amp. I have tried many switch combinations. I can occasionally get a slight response, but nothing like the programmed colors. I cannot get the LED strips to go off once illuminated unless I power down the power supply to the control box.

Each PX24506 unit has 10 DIP switches. I have no information on how they should be set other than they are "standard" DMX settings. By that, I would think that they are binary addressing switches. I have tried setting the switches in both on and off combinations for my desired addresses with no response. I have seen a little response if I change the addressing to the first 8 channels of DMX but still not the colors nor timing I am trying to send.

I have tried both using a resistor termination and not termination. If I do not connect DMX and power up the unit it will go into a default mode of moving though the RGB color list.

Has anyone got any idea of what I need to do?


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The standard DMX chart does not appear to work for this unit. I fully understand binary logic and can easily calculate what should be addressing based on binary count.Does anyone have specifics for this particular unit. I cannot find any info. All I can find in their documentation is:

Address setting interface
How to use See "DMX series of addresses dial code table"
Addresses dial code table of DMX series

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The problem ended up being a reverse in the connections on my connector at my USB-DMX unit. For information Pin 1 is Ground, Pin 2 is DATA -, Pin 3 is DATA +. I had reversed the Data - and Data + connections. The interesting thing is that the LOR Show Time units seemed to function without problem, although I did notice they would drop off line occasionally. I moved them back to the LOR network so I could test my DMX setup. Finally, I decided to swap the D+ and D- at one of my control boxes ahead of my dmx decoders and the problem went away. I traced back and found the cable at pin 2 and pin 3 at the USB/DMX unit was swapped. Now I can get everything back on track.

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