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Sequnce issue on the controllers - Plays perfect on the Vis...


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I have 8 songs in my show, 7 of them work perfect (or at least like I expect).

The 8th song starts off out wonky, and then a few seconds into the song is perfect.

The song plays perfect on the Sequence Editor and visualizer.  I had the same issue last year with this particulare song.  Last year it was kind of tricky to get the song to work at all.  Tried converting it to a bunch of different formats till I finally got it to work.

This year the newer tool (3.10.12) sucked in the origonal iTunes song and didnt complain at all.

But I still have the first few seconds out of sync?

Any sugesstions?

I did run the verifier on it and all is good as far as it is concerned...


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I have a similar problem. In visualizer it plays as expected, but the some channels go crazy then after a few seconds they are fine. Makes the song animation look bad. My problem was with shimmer. When 9 of my mini trees would shimmer, 3 of them would keep on shimmering until they got a command to do something else. What would cause this? It only happens in certain songs and channels. It did a lot of copying and pasting from shared sequences, would that cause problems. The sequence editor shows the correct command. Mine is not out of sync like Mike's above, but similar as the software shows correct commands (visualizer and sequence editor). To fix the problem I had to change from a shimmer to a ramp. But why only certain songs and certain channels??? I hope I am explaining well enough. Using S3 software on windows 8. What other info do I need to give to get some help?

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