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Well The Time Has Come, Maybe

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Guest wbottomley

I'm thinking about sitting in the shadows for a while and taking a year off. I'm really not sure yet... but, the thought is being taken more seriously everyday.

What has me really thinking is, I believe the hobby is being dumb-down. Very few will attempt to troubleshoot, sequence, or try to understand the basic fundamentals of how it all comes together themselves. That's why I'm refraining to answer questions unless I know who you are. I hope this will change because thousands of people that visit my show would be disappointed. This is coming from a six-year LOR user, seven-year animator, and a 20+ year decorator.

Take a moment and try to understand. It only takes a matter of minutes.

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Sounds like you are fed up with the people (mostly newbies)on the forum... not with the hobby. You can still bring joy to your thousands of visitors without hanging out answering questions on here....

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I'm sorry to hear you feel that way, but I can certainly understand where you're coming from.

Are you thinking of selling any of those controllers you bought from Robin? You know the ones I mean - the ones you bought right before I got there - the ones you just haaaaad to have... I'll give you the same as you paid for them.

And while I've got your attention, what would cause a couple channels in one controller and almost all the channels of another to suddenly stop shutting off when they're supposed to. Not all the time, but quite often - usually at the end of a song, even if they weren't used at the end of the song. As soon as another command is sent, they turn off and act normally. Everything worked fine for two+weeks and just started screwing up tonight. Any ideas? Or make that: any ideas I can USE?

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William I can understand your frustration with that. It sure seems this year we got a LOT more new folks into this hobby than I've seen in the 2 years I've been in it myself.

And many of the questions asked had already been answered in several areas of the forum, however, I have to say, anyone that tries to use the search function to get access to the "specific" question or answer they are looking for can be quite difficult, if not close to impossible to find without getting tons of NON-related items or nothing related to the question/answer being sought.

I know I get extremely frustrated just trying to remember where a post is on something I know was answered, try to do a search and get hundreds of messages, but none being the one I'm looking for, so I, like many others here, end up asking the same question again, hoping SOMEONE KNOWS where to find the original thread or post that answered the question.

It's not like some of us don't try to locate those posts, many times I've tried and given up because I'm wading through hundreds or thousands of posts that have nothing to do with the search I entered.

But I do beleive we have had more new folks enter the hobby this year over past years, even before my time I can almost bet not this many new folks came in as they have here in 2011. Seems LOR has gotten very popular, but how many of these folks will stay with it, that's going to be a tough guess, probably not many if they don't start reading the on-line pdf instructions and the help files in the software.

I do agree with you, the new folks ARE NOT really looking at or reading the info that is right before them before asking simple questions that the answers are right there built into the software, so, I can understand your frustration and feeling on the matter.

Not saying everyone is doing this, even so I try to help when I can, but folks need to start reading and working with the DEMO software or the actual software if they've purchased a license to fully get the grasp of it, otherwise they are just hurting themselves by not reading this information readily available to them or attempting to at least try and use the software without intervention unless absolutely necessary.

But we all respect your decision, no matter which way it goes. So if you need a year off, take it if you really need too, we'll miss you around here during your hiatus.

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There are times and places to simplify. There are times to focus on what makes you happy. I'm guessing you get more happiness from the expressions of your viewers, than the kettles of fish you catch here, no matter who is in any given batch. I for one would fully understand if we only saw you in the beta forum for the next year, and maybe some video of next year's show.

I know there are days I'm tempted to committing to leaving this forum alone.

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wbottomley wrote:

I'm thinking about sitting in the shadows for a while and taking a year off. I'm really not sure yet... but, the thought is being taken more seriously everyday.

What has me really thinking is, I believe the hobby is being dumb-down. Very few will attempt to troubleshoot, sequence, or try to understand the basic fundamentals of how it all comes together themselves. That's why I'm refraining to answer questions unless I know who you are. I hope this will change because thousands of people that visit my show would be disappointed. This is coming from a six-year LOR user, seven-year animator, and a 20+ year decorator.

Take a moment and try to understand. It only takes a matter of minutes.

Before you go though, can you help me?...I just ordered my first controller today. WooHoo!! NOW WHAT?????? HELP!!!!!! I AM SOOOOOO LOST!!!! I need to have a 50 song show up and running by 5pm tonight--IT IS A MUST!! I assume the controller will ship to me by tonight (it better, or else I might switch to a better company like Mr. Christmas!) Do I need to use some sort of software or something? What about a computer? What type of batteries do I put in the controller to power it? (How cheap is LOR that they don't include the batteries?!?) How does the controller know where to install the lights for me? When does Kia call me to pay me to do a commercial? Do HOA's usually start paying me for making the neighborhood so popular? Who on the forums is usually responsible for going around and videoing everybody's displays--they have to get mine tonight so I can post it on youtube by tomorrow (that way they can show it on Good Morning America Monday). I assume that most of you don't even celebrate Christmas anymore--instead just celebrate December as "Light Up Month." Wbottomly I am asking you specifically these questions since us "pro's" stick together (heck, I have watch Holdman's AND Cracker's videos at least 3 times)...don't want somebody that doesn't know what they are talking about to answer (like Dan or that jimswinder guy).

How come nobody told me this morning when I logged in for the first time that this was going to require this much work...my fingers hurt from typing all this. And why haven't you answered my above questions yet?!? Maybe I should start a few more threads so you see my post.

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rwertz wrote:

Part of me wants to console William. The other part of me is waiting for the image of freshly caught fish :?

I've chatted and pmed William. there is not thing fishy about what he has said. Plus he not feeling good.
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Guest wbottomley

George Simmons wrote:

I'm sorry to hear you feel that way, but I can certainly understand where you're coming from. 

Are you thinking of selling any of those controllers you bought from Robin?  You know the ones I mean - the ones you bought right before I got there - the ones you just haaaaad to have...  I'll give you the same as you paid for them.

And while I've got your attention, what would cause a couple channels in one controller and almost all the channels of another to suddenly stop shutting off when they're supposed to.  Not all the time, but quite often - usually at the end of a song, even if they weren't used at the end of the song.  As soon as another command is sent, they turn off and act normally.  Everything worked fine for two+weeks and just started screwing up tonight.  Any ideas?  Or make that: any ideas I can USE?

If a reset doesn't work, I bet some moisture has gotten in the data cable and causing some noise. Plus... I would check all the connections leading up to those units. Are you using a PC or Director Card?
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Hey William, feel free to take a break, there's plenty of us that at least know most of the answers. Then come back after the holidays, it'll just be us regulars poking fun at each other again for all the blunders and mishaps over the season. Like Orville mentioned, there is a huge explosion of new members in the last few months. I'm hoping LOR makes some changes to the forum when things settle down, navigating the forum is really slow and fustrating.

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Well seeing as its my first year I will take the full responsibility of this action. I know I have asked about 400 questions so far even with only 60 posts but as someone who has already upgraded for a few CCR's next year and advanced software I may be the exception to the 1st year newbie.

As for you guys who are holding down the fort because there are a million questions to how to make this all work I thank you for the effort to get Blinky light guys like myself on track!

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Guest wbottomley

GoofyGuy wrote:

Well seeing as its my first year I will take the full responsibility of this action. I know I have asked about 400 questions so far even with only 60 posts but as someone who has already upgraded for a few CCR's next year and advanced software I may be the exception to the 1st year newbie.

As for you guys who are holding down the fort because there are a million questions to how to make this all work I thank you for the effort to get Blinky light guys like myself on track!

Oh.... don't get me wrong. I enjoy answering questions for people that want to try and understand what it takes to make things work. For others that have a sense of entitlement is where my tolerance level is exceeded.

When I bluntly say "You need to have a basic understanding of computers and electricity. If not, find another hobby.", you see where I'm coming from.

I've been on the phone many hours helping people across the nation and locally. It's been a pleasure doing so. Many new friendships have came out of it and I treasure those.
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It would be unfortunate if you do take some time away but only you know that
answer. You have helped a lot of people with this addiction we all share including
me and to that I say "Thank you!"

I met you briefly at the last Epic in June and it was great to put a face to all the posts.

I do agree with what you say about the lack of some wanting to take the time to learn
but I feel with members like you, George, Jeff, and I could list several more
have set the bar at a level everyone wants to aspire to. They see your videos and
all the knowledge you are so willing to share with others and do not want to take
the time but would rather try and fast track to that point with out all the sweat and
sometimes tears in between. I am not saying that justifies it but just my take.

You would surely be missed around here!

Merry Christmas to you and yours!


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Jeff Millard wrote:

I feel your pain William. I've clicked on the ignore button, but people keep quoting those I've ignored. Then I ignore those people and others quote them. So I ignore them and... well, let me put it this way... I can read your posts, Evan's, George's, John's, and Don Teague's... so could the 5 of you please not quote anyone lest I end up really lonely.

...and yes, if you're someone who annoys me I talk about you in PM with other people. :cool: That's life, get over it.


Wow Jeff,

I feel honored that you haven't put me on ignore yet :D
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Jeff Millard wrote:

...and yes, if you're someone who annoys me I talk about you in PM with other people. :cool: That's life, get over it.

Exactly! :D
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wbottomley wrote:

What has me really thinking is, I believe the hobby is being dumb-down. Very few will attempt to troubleshoot, sequence, or try to understand the basic fundamentals of how it all comes together themselves.

Take a moment and try to understand. It only takes a matter of minutes.

William I agree with you completely. People are lazy! The I want it now mentality of people drives me crazy! Sorry to hear about your frustration, just remember why you do it in the first place!

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so NOW I know why no one answers my question in this forum... I am on everyones ignore list!

Ok those that responded in this thread and happen to be experts in this hobby : I know I have asked Bill and George a few questions myself not in a thread of the forum, without hesitation they answered but !@#$ you were both supposed to come to my house and fix the problem not tell me how to fix it!
I can sure bet that alot of you experts get alot of questions the way i asked them instead ot a thread.

I guess the reason I did that was because there are so may threads that it is almost overwhelming trying to find answers so I took the quickest easist route as well. for that I am sorry. If there were only a better catorization of the forum. some of the repetiveness will go away.

All of you EXPERTS I can surely bet do not get enough praise!

It is not your responsibility to answer the tons of questions you get, it is Lightorma's! Afterall it is their product!

BTW Guys, I have a question: do any of you have a good idea that I can doto make more money so I can be able to buy more controllers?

ohh and this morning I was looking out my window at blue sky everywhere but it was also snowing. Was I dreaming or is this some sort of weird phenom?

Just Askin!

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I don't pretend speak for anyone else, but I really don't mind answering questions or having people contact me with them. In a way, it's flattering, and I'm glad when I can help. I had plenty of questions myself when I was getting started, and a lot of fine people helped me. At least when someone takes the time and effort to send send a PM or email it shows they're trying to learn. There's a big difference between asking for help and gimme, gimme, gimme...

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Surfing4Dough wrote:

wbottomley wrote:
I'm thinking about sitting in the shadows for a while and taking a year off. I'm really not sure yet... but, the thought is being taken more seriously everyday.

What has me really thinking is, I believe the hobby is being dumb-down. Very few will attempt to troubleshoot, sequence, or try to understand the basic fundamentals of how it all comes together themselves. That's why I'm refraining to answer questions unless I know who you are. I hope this will change because thousands of people that visit my show would be disappointed. This is coming from a six-year LOR user, seven-year animator, and a 20+ year decorator.

Take a moment and try to understand. It only takes a matter of minutes.

Before you go though, can you help me?...I just ordered my first controller today. WooHoo!!  NOW WHAT??????  HELP!!!!!!  I AM SOOOOOO LOST!!!!   I need to have a 50 song show up and running by 5pm tonight--IT IS A MUST!!  I assume the controller will ship to me by tonight (it better, or else I might switch to a better company like Mr. Christmas!)  Do I need to use some sort of software or something?   What about a computer?  What type of batteries do I put in the controller to power it? (How cheap is LOR that they don't include the batteries?!?)   How does the controller know where to install the lights for me?   When does Kia call me to pay me to do a commercial?  Do HOA's usually start paying me for making the neighborhood so popular?  Who on the forums is usually responsible for going around and videoing everybody's displays--they have to get mine tonight so I can post it on youtube by tomorrow (that way they can show it on Good Morning America Monday).  I assume that most of you don't even celebrate Christmas anymore--instead just celebrate December as "Light Up Month."   Wbottomly I am asking you specifically these questions since us "pro's" stick together (heck, I have watch Holdman's AND Cracker's videos at least 3 times)...don't want somebody that doesn't know what they are talking about to answer (like Dan or that jimswinder guy). 

How come nobody told me this morning when I logged in for the first time that this was going to require this much work...my fingers hurt from typing all this.  And why haven't you answered my above questions yet?!?  Maybe I should start a few more threads so you see my post. 


Now that is funny ! !
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