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Start of the season Brain-dead-ness - HELP!


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HELP!  Season just started and I have ONE song that for some unknown reason won't run on the SD card.  A little help from the community is greatly appreciated to get me un-stuck.  Here are the facts:


1. running LOR 2.8.12

2. all sequences have the "lock" symbol next to them

3. ALL other sequences run perfectly FINE on the SD card during the show

4. the ONE song (Straight No Chaser's "12 Days") won't after multiple tries

     4a. I have re-set the audio file AND re-exported as an MP3 in Audacity

     4b. I have re-set the main channel configuration to the exact same as every other sequence

     4c. I have re-saved the sequence multiple times ... to no avail

5. the sequence WILL play via the sequence editor PERFECTLY FINE... just not on the SD card either alone as a single-song show OR with the other sequences


Totally frustrating.  I'm sure there are other data points y'all need... happy to answer as I can.  THANKS!!


Show is running fine w/o the song... just sad as it's one of the kids' (and neighborhood's) favourites.  (sigh)


- JM


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Oh man - NEVERMIND!  This will show everyone how taking a year off will mess with everything.  I just realized I already had this answered several years ago, thanks to Dennis... I even went 3 pages deep in this very forum and found my own answers.  That's what several cars in the street WATCHING you run back and forth from controller 1 to your laptop to frantically try to get the show to run perfectly will do.  (huge sigh)


I will humbly crawl off and berate myself in the corner for wasting everyone's time - DOH!


p.s.  if you're a newbie... make SURE your mp3 files are at 128 bits/second ... anything higher (like 320) and the LOR controllers can't read them.



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One year I was deep in the Brain-dead-ness.  I posted that my show was not working and everyone was giving me suggestions LOR Dan was responding to the posts and getting ready to send hardware out to me overnight.  Then I read the checklist (palm/head plant).  I had forgotten to take my Sequence into Show Editor.  I did fess up on my post.

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  • 4 weeks later...

it's funny how the bitrate count comes up

it made it's way into FB's LOR users page for 12/2014

so as a precaution i doubled checked my show tunes i use in my display and the copy file i keep as a backup  ; 

and sure enough , a handful of tunes need to be converted to 128 BPS

3 years of using LOR and i'm still learning :P LOL

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Don't feel bad.  As I added controllers and moved things around I forgot to go back and check the dimming curves on several controllers that once had Incandesant bulbs and are now LED.  Some things just looked off, I discovered the differences when I went around and updated firmware.   

Edited by Grinch
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well i only have the 1 controller

thanks to some  wonderful people here at LOR

(wish i had 1 more)

with any luck i hope to have a set of CCB's or CCP's this coming season for 2015

i'm now working on some new fixtures to add in 

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  • 1 month later...

I have been using a bit rate of 192kbps with my controllers and even on my now defunct and quite dead DC-MP3 Director unit, as long as they were CBR, I could use 192kbps without any problems at all.  


Maybe it's just me, but when the MP3 is at 128kbps, it sounds a bit too tinny for my liking.    


So I tested the 192kbps and it worked perfectly for me.   This originally was with the original DC-MP3 Director 4 LOR Gen2 controllers and 1 Gen1 controller, never had a problem with my displays operating using that option..

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I have been using a bit rate of 192kbps with my controllers and even on my now defunct and quite dead DC-MP3 Director unit, as long as they were CBR, I could use 192kbps without any problems at all.  


Maybe it's just me, but when the MP3 is at 128kbps, it sounds a bit too tinny for my liking.    


So I tested the 192kbps and it worked perfectly for me.   This originally was with the original DC-MP3 Director 4 LOR Gen2 controllers and 1 Gen1 controller, never had a problem with my displays operating using that option..


I understand you personally have had success with 192kbps with the director units. That's good.


However, for everyone else, please know this should be considered an exception, not the rule. Those directors are geared toward 128kbps, and work many times more reliably at 128 versus other bitrates.

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I understand you personally have had success with 192kbps with the director units. That's good.


However, for everyone else, please know this should be considered an exception, not the rule. Those directors are geared toward 128kbps, and work many times more reliably at 128 versus other bitrates.

Don, that's why I stated "it worked perfectly for me", maybe I should have added, "it may, or may not work for others in similar or like situations."   But I know of a few others that have used the 192kbps rate just as reliably as I have.


Personally I think the software and directors should be geared toward the 320kbps high quality music as opposed to the very limitation of 128kbps, again, just me, but I think the 128kbps just doesn't sound as good as I'd{and some others} prefer it to be.

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