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Sequence Editor Bug?


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Hello People of the LOR Forums,

I was remaking my channel configuration and i created a CCB Device using Insert Device and set it to 2 Unit IDs per Device(1 per string). Then I opened up the channel settings Dialogs on the string 2 resolution, macro, and color channels to get the Settings so i can move the channels to a new group so they are out of the way. I noticed the Unit ID and the channel IDs were the same as the string 1 resolution, macro, and color channels' Unit ID and corresponding channel IDs. That means that string 1 has 2 sets of the resolution, macro, and color channels and String 2 has 0. Is this is a bug or am i missing something?



NOTE: If it is set to 1 unit ID per CCB it is seperate Channels.

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If I understand your question, by default, S3 names the second string the same as the first. If you click on a RGB channel anywhere in the second string, it should have a second ID#.

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The RGB channels are correct. it is the 7 channels that come after each strings RGB channels that don't seem correct.

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Are the String 2 Effect Channels supposed to be the same Unit ID as String 2?


(Srry for Double Posting)

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