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Light-O-Rama Rental?


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I was searching for places to rent a Light-O-Rama controller online and I noticed a few people had asked here before, so while I figured it was a shot in the dark I wanted to give it a try.


I'm planning on proposing to my girlfriend toward the end of March or early April, essentially once I get all the plans laid out and the sequencing set up - and I want to do it with a Light-O-Rama light show. Every holiday season when she would have a bad day or be stressed from work we would go out and sit in a cul-de-sac near my house and just listen to the music and watch the light shows while we talked. It's incredibly special for us, and it's how I want to propose.


I'm not ready to dive in and start doing this every holiday season, so to me it makes a lot more sense to try and find somewhere to rent a controller for a week or so. If anyone would be willing to rent me a controller for a week or so during March or April I would be happy to pay a rental fee as well as write a collateral check or send you some form of collateral in case something should happen to it.


I know it may be a shot in the dark, and in the end I may have to suck it up and find the money to just buy one if I can, but you never know until you try!

Thanks for any help!

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Your profile says you are in Arkansas...PM me your location and email. Maybe I can assist you for a brief loan. Sort of depends on where you are.

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I'm going to assist him now that he's given me an idea of what he wishes and needs. He's planning something special for the lady of his life and will help make sure this happens. He's not too far away from me.

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Dgrant has been incredibly helpful so far in putting me on the right track and starting everything rolling and it sounds like he's going to be able to get me exactly what I need to make this special for her! Thank you guys so much and I'll definitely be sure to get it all on video and post it here when the time comes!

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I had no idea anyone did this...cool! I'm going to assist him for free since he's not too far from me. I'll take the controller to him and help him get the initial setup for him so we're sure its working and no surprises. He's got to do the sequencing based upon whatever he wishes to accomplish other than the obvious "YES" from her. I did suggest to him that he find a way to video his proposal but hey, this will be his big day so whatever he wishes will happen.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, I'm headed out there today with a controller, EDM transmitter. USB interface and all the assorted wiring to assist him. I'll make sure the hardware all works. He's not told me when he's going to do this so we'll just have to wait and see and hope that the outcome is as nice as he hopes for. He's only 112 miles from me per the Nav so a fairly short drive.

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I drppped off the items with him. He's got a plan! From what I saw, he's figuring it out and sometime within the next month, he'll get his answer. I made sure the hardware communicates on his MAC and he's already setting up his visualizer. I showed him examples of my Christmas sequencing so he's got some ideas now in relation to the music he chose. One thing is for sure, I've never heard of anyone, proposing to his lady, via lights and music. I did caution him about posting the video online as its a personal moment for the two of them alone but if he chooses to share it, be sure to get her permission too!


Josh, from seeing your ideas yesterday, while on my way back home, I was thinking that on your bushes, you could do the soft twinkling effect as oppsed to loud twinkling as such, so I'm posting the thought here in hopes that someone else might have ideas for you. Please post the name of the song you are sequencing for others to have ideas for you too. Soft twinkling, I think, can be created by the twinkle command but also using custom intensities and custom ramps for the twinkles. It would be somewhat difficult to manually sequence but the effect might be nice. You might wish to post a photo of your house that you are using in the visualizer, so others here can provide you quick ideas or thoughts.


His song is a love song but I don't remember the name of it. Starts off slow and easy, ramps up to busier, then slows back down. Good beat so using the beat wizard or tapper will work easily. He's lighting up the words of his proposal, in lights and will light them up individually on his garage door. His intention is to overlay the words so when the time comes, it'll sort of look like a mismash when they are not lit up. Hopefully she won't be able to read the words before they are lit up. He's got a lot of work to do in a short amount of time.

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Just now seeing this post. Yes, I do rent controllers out to those who may need them for a short period of time.


And while the OP did contact me about rental, it's good to see others nearby were able to jump in and get him up and running. Can't wait to see the video.

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  • 1 month later...

I wanted to let everyone know that saw this thread, the OP's girlfriend is now his Finacee"!! She said "YES". He emailed me saying the lights/music worked perfectly. I'm guessing they are wearing wonderful smiles. Congrats!

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Like he said, SHE SAID YES! As promised, here is the rough footage of the lights! The girl I had on camera missed the first section of the song and the video I played before the lights started, but I'm working on taking all the raw footage and making a full proposal video. It was just really dark and we had a little rain. Even if my video of the proposal didn't turn out exactly how I wanted, the lights and the proposal went off without any problems! But here is the link for most of what I was able to do with the equipment dgrant allowed me to use. I can't thank him enough for all his help!!!



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