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My GE G-35 Controller


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I built a controller for my GE G-35 lights. I just used them for my 2013 show and they worked well. It was my 1st time working with RGB pixels. Sequencing took longer then regular LEDs but I'm getting better. I hope this helps someone else thinking of building one.


Parts used:

6804 Controller from SanDevices

5v 60A 350 Watts Power Supply from Holiday Coro

Cable Guard CG-1500 Enclosure from DIY LED Express

3 Cond Waterproof Connectors from DIY LED Express


Here's a few pics.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't know anything about the G-35 strings. What control do you get over the lights?



Edited by Papa6058
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I don't know anything about the G-35 strings. What control do you get over the lights?



Papa you can control them as smart or dumb pixels. I used them for my roof line. I picked up the G-35 on Ebay a couple of years ago and finally got a chance to use them. You can check out my video and see how I used them. http://youtu.be/XkhruJ8I2wI



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