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About Show Editor - Shutting down shows


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Hello! I've been working with light o rama for 3 years now, and I use it inside of my house... in our "kitchen" we have a 22 ft ceiling because there is a balcony that encircles the room. The show takes place on one side of it. I am now using the show editor and have made up a show, and I do not want it to repeat the cycle... shows are only displayed for 1 group of people at a time, and I dont want to have to run upstairs to my computer to "shutdown" the show, I just want it to play through the playlist once and be finished. is there a way to do that without setting the shutdown time or telling it to stop manually?



Justin Davis

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In a few words, "I don't think that's possible".


You either have to shut it down manually or give the show an end time.  Otherwise I believe it will just loop forever until you manually shut it down.

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Here is an idea. Build an empty sequence and put it in background. Then take the entirety of your show and set it up as an interactive group. Have a start button that triggers the interactive group resulting in one pass through the show.

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I don't think the interactive group idea will work, as a trigger push sets off one single sequence from a group (except for "magic toy" groups, but they can't contain musical sequences).  I think you can still accomplish what you want, though:


Put your sequences in the "Startup" section of the show, rather than in the "Musical" section.  They'll play one at a time, in the order that you specify, once each.

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I recommend a tablet with Teamviewer on it... Or even an Iphone or Android can also control a PC remotely. :)

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Bob, good catch on my interactive idea.  As I only run animation shows, I did not think about the limitation of no musicals in an interactive group.    I think kiplorenzo has the best answer.  I exclusively use VNC for controlling my show computer.

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