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Effect of Cold Weather on Controllers?


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Ok, so I will admit now I am possibly worrying about everything, but we had a pretty good cold snap here last night and it got me to wondering (at 3 AM) how cold can controllers get and still function. I recognize that unlike a desktop or laptop, there are no mechanical functions of the controllers, and I would assume that some heat tends to be generated when the controller is actually operating, but obviously that's only about 6 hours a day or so. I have my controllers mounted inside a large Rubbermaid Deck Box, so they are somewhat protected from direct exposure to the elements. Has anybody considered extra precautions? The Farmer's Almanac is predicting colder than normal temps this season.

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I don't know what the absolute lowest temperature the boards are rated for, but last year we had some significant below zero temperatures during December and I had no problems.

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LOR has been tested on the surface of the Sun and the Moon. You will not have any problems here on Earth.

Really, seriously...you don't have to worry about it.

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i built steel plates mounted them on 1" rebar 54" tall, mounted the controllors so they would be 1 ft above the ground, then constructed wooden boxes long enough to slide over the top so they would be out of the elements. in minnesota, jan & feb with wind chill it got down to - 45 below and i had no problems. i never shut them off either.

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Minnesota??? Isn't that land of frozen lutefisk? Ok, you convinced me, I live in the banana belt compared to you guys. Guess I should just stop worrying about every little thing.

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yeah - try using spt1 here, not good - i buy all my outdoor extension cords for the years of durability. speaking of Lutefisk - The Silver Bay Fishing Association is seeking a qualified inspector for its Lutefis Plant. Scandinavians are preferred because of their low job expectations. Please answer the following questions:

Last Name:_______sen

First Name:___Ole ___Lars___Swen___ Arne

Age if Known:___18-45___45-65___Seinle

Spell LUTEFISK______________________

Circle highest grade completed 1 2 3 4 5 How many years to do it?

Work Experience:

___ Deck hand___Apprentice Baiter___Ice Chisel Assistant

___Herring Choker___Line Untangler___Anchor Hoister

Your Address:

___Under a Bridge___Culvert___Dead Winnebago

___Cardboard Box___Ice House___Homeless Shelter

Equipment you have operated:

___Ball Point Pen___Bottle Opener

___Evinrude___Flush Toilet

Have you ever eaten Letefisk:_____

If so, whick hospital pumped your stomach:_____

In your own words ( no more than three), explain why you want this postion:____

(The Norwegians-only policy is just between you and us)

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Also in Minnesota - I've had my boxes in plastic bags one year, and last year in plastic storage boxes (with the snapping lids) - cut holes in the boxes for the cords to exit. No probs with the hardware at all! The Cat5 cable cracks/splits if I have to move them in the coldest weather, but the boxes are solid as solid can be (even when buried under 2-4 feet of snow).

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Most electronic parts are rated from -40C to 85C and therefore should not be a problem in most areas. When running, the triacs on the boards will generate a little heat and that should help warm things up a bit inside the enclosure.

I would guess that most everyone would not have any issues.

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  • 1 month later...

Well, when I worry too much I really go overboard.

It was -16 here last night and predicted to be -12 tonight and everything is working great.

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Umm in Alberta it can go -35C or colder.
This Sat it is going down to -32 C (-26 F).
So I assume you should be fine!

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Well if you want to add wind chill into the equation as will, then it dipped to (-55c) and that is like (-60F) and the controllers worked. A few nights ago the Edmonton international Airport had (-37c) or (-35F), oh and 2 of my controllers are buried under 2 feet of snow and the controllers still work. Now I removed about 1.5 feet of that snow off of the controllers.

Of course we are Canadian and no nothing about this Minnesota cold you get in Minnesota, but we know how cold it gets here and for weeks in December last year it never got about ( -18F) during the day, but we got down to (-40F) for 3 days in a row, and if add the wind chill it was close to (-60F) as I said above.

Right now we have been in a deep freeze for over 1 week and it is getting colder.

Bottom line.....the controllers are still working.

Of course once it gets to (0F) we will have are coats off or unbutton, then we get sick.lol

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Wow, I'm in Hawaii where the temps dip as low as the high 50s (F) at night, and get as cold as the low 80s (F) during the day.

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