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error when "pre compiling show"


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I am struggling with a sequence of mine, which I believe is caused by its size and complexity. 30 minutes with 58,00 pixels . It crashes the sequencer on my show PC but not on my high powered development PC with more memory.   I have reported the problem to LOR and they are looking into it.

 I am attempting to work around it and have a couple questions.

1) When the show tries to compile it from the control panel, I get the message "1 error found". I must be going crazy but I can't find anywhere in the control panel to see what the error is. Does anyone know where I should look. 

2) It is a 30 minute sequence with many effects. I would like to split it in half to see if that helps. I know how to shorten the sequence and have cut off the last 15 minutes. 

Does anyone know an easy way to cut off the first 15 minutes. I tried doing a cut and paste in the "show all items view but that did not work. Given I have about 15 different views with many sub items, I can't see any easy way to move them all from  time 15:00-30:00 to 0:00-15:00.

3) Lastly, I think as a last resort I could take the LOR play file from the PC that works and move it to the show PC. Does anyone know if that will still work with the new control panel setup




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To do an abrupt shorten.

Shorten the audio file to the required length. Apply to the long sequence. It will ask if you want to change the length to the same as the audio. Say yes.


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@k6ccc Matt got back to me and the show computer is the cause. it only has 8GB and needs at least 32GB to complie it. My dev PC has 128 GB so that is why it works there.

I kind of went overboard with my new P5 matrix, so I am close to 60,000 pixels now.

He has given me a number of workarounds.  Shorten it, upgrade computer, or port over the play file from my PC that it works on. I am persuing them now.

My best solution, it seems, is to break the 30 minute sequence into smaller 6 minute pieces. I am wrestling with how to do that now. I am familiar with how to shorten. What I can't figure out is how to copy entire sections from one sequence to another, or how to shorten starting at the beginning. 

I saw a post on the skew all command but no luck with it yet.

FYI the sequence is 30 minutes long with 214 pixel props, 60,000 pixels and many views.. It is an animation sequence. 


Do you think if I switch it to a musical sequence and try your technique that might work?

Thanks all

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I didn't realize it was an animation. Since there is no music sync to worry about. I think you should be able to cut and paste into a blank sequence of the required lengths and layout.

Create a copy of the long sequence. Delete ALL the content. Use Shorten in the Sequence menu to make the blank sequence the length you want. save as short blank.

Open the original long sequence.

In the show all tab, select all rows for the first, say, 10 minutes and copy to the short blank. Save as a new name.

In the long original, select the next section, sat 10 to 20 minutes and copy that to the short blank and save as a new name.

Rinse and repeat.

You might need a little cleanup at the ends but it should work.

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Thanks for the suggestions that helped me figure it out.  I was having all sorts of issues causing it not to work, even though I was in the show all items view, things would not copy and paste correctly.

I finally got it working by making copies using "save as" then deleting all but  1 5 minute segment at a time, then cut and paste it to time zero and shorten it.



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