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Light-O-Rama in 2006

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LOR in 2006.

We will continue to sell the LOR160xW, LOR800W, CTB16D, CTB08D, and CTB08 without major modifications or changes throughout 2006. (note: The CTB08 may be updated with a new processor TBD).

MP3 Director card (LOR-DC-MP3) – This new card was successfully beta tested last season. This card simultaneously directs the LOR controllers in the network and plays MP3 files. In effect it replaces the PC. During beta testing this card controlled a network of 60+ LOR1602W controllers in Florida, was outside in –20 degree weather up north and operated in other locations. Uses a SD card to store the show!
(Available in our April sale)

LOR1602MP3This is a 16 channel controller, ready for outdoor use, with a built in MP3 Director… This standalone controller will play music and direct the light show. It can control up to 200 (currently tested with 60) other LOR controllers.
(Available in our April sale)

Wireless connector (Easy Light Linker) – This new unit was successfully beta tested last season. This RF unit was custom designed to work in a LOR network to provide wireless connectivity between LOR network components. You can use wireless to get out of the house without any holes! … One RF unit can drive any number of connected LOR controllers or you can put a RF unit on each unit. Coordinate the lights inside and out side your house without wires.
(Available in our April sale)

16 Channel DIY KitFinally the first/only authorized DIY kit that is supported by Light O Rama will become available! This kit will either be sold directly by Light O Rama or a third party kit supplier. All parts required to build a 16 channel, 40A light controller will be included. This unit will appear as a new type of device to LOR software with full in-field firmware upgradeability. This unit will provide seamless transition to the new LORII communications protocol.
(Available at our April Sale – directly or on sale by us or on sale at our authorized kit supplier.)

UBS DirectA USB replacement for the SC485 that will provide direct USB access to a LOR network via a USB port.
(Available at our April Sale)

MC-P V2A 32 channel replacement for the old 16 channels MC-P… This new Modular Processor is designed with the Hobbyist in mind. It will provide tremendous flexibility in the design and building of module based custom controllers. Included with this release will be a series of new accessory cards: High and Low Power Triac Cards, Low voltage DC card, optically isolated input cards, servo driver, electro-mechanical relay card and more…
(Available 3rd Quarter)

Pre-Sequenced packages. We will be providing pre-sequenced controller packages for those who simply want to plug something in. Will be provided both with and without music…

(Availability date TBD)

New DocumentationNew documentation will be provided that helps step you though the computerization of your light display.

(Availability date SOON)

LORII – “Showtime Software Suite” Our next generation of software. (a free upgrade to existing customers) LOR has been completely re-engineered to provide an even simpler user interface with new wizards for those who want to keep things easy AND a number of high-powered features for those who want to go to the next level of complexity. A complete list of features will be posted at a later date.

A new, communication protocol will be introduced that allows LOR future flexibility. This new protocol will support many new lighting effects and provide enhanced reliability for our new wireless connections. NOTE: Existing LOR controllers/firmware will not work with LOR II. All existing LOR controllers will be upgraded to this new protocol free of charge.

For programmers, a LOR SDK will be supplied that allows you to directly control LOR controllers, X10 and DIO cards from your software.
(Available 2nd quarter)

LOR DealersStarting in 2006 LOR will start selling products via authorized re-sellers. We will also continue to have our online store and sell directly.
(Available 2nd quarter)

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Time is slowly ticking by.... but yet there isn't enough time in the day.

I'm ready for the new upgraded LOR stuff - which is why time is ticking so slow.

I'm working sequences seems like all day, every day (besides working my full time job, spending time in the evening with my family, converting the ride from Christmas to the spring/summer season and trying to get a break in here or there) - which is why there isn't enough time in the day.

Did that make sense?:laughing:

Let the 2006 season begin (I'm starting now before the year is gone).


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Dan, thanks for the update. I am now even more exited than 10 minutes ago. It appears you are putting alot of new products out there. Glad to see bussiness is doing great and that you are staying on top of everything to keep LOR as the standard to set by.

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I think I am gonna go jump on my neighbors trampoline!

This is toooo GREAT!!!! I am so happy with this, my orders are being rethought from 3 16ch controllers...

I have a Q about the MP3 director, and all, would you be able to hook a RT up to this? Or in other words, does it have audio out?


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Zac_Cutt wrote:

I have a Q about the MP3 director, and all, would you be able to hook a RT up to this? Or in other words, does it have audio out?
The MP3 player has a 1/8 inch stereo output like your PC's sound card you can plug amplified speakers or a Radio Transmitter into it. It does not have its own amplifier.
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So many choice so little time. So many questions. Like, you run your new USB from your computer and to .. let's say 5 controllers... then you run a wireless to a controller across the street. Can you still continue running more channels via the CAT5 cable past the 6th controller that has the wirless or does the wireless controller have to be the very last controller?

Not sure if any of theat makes sense so maybe a dumb diagram might work. Controller number 6 is the wireless unit and 7 is acrosst the street.

1,2,3,4,5,6, 8,9,10,11, 12

Now would 7 also have to have a wireless transmit back to #8 with a wireless receiver then back to CAT5 cable or do you need to just have #1 wireless and all the others would be able to receive via an additional wireless receiver?

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The current wireless units only have 1 RJ45 connector so the chain ends at the wireless unit. To answer your question, you put the wireless unit at #6 then #7 would have a wireless unit to receive data and #8 would also need a wireless unit to receive and supply data to the remaining units.

The way it works is one at the end of the daisy chain you can put a wireless unit. The daisy chain may have zero to a large number of controllers in it. From that wireless unit you can connect to any number of other wireless units so you could have one on the other side of you driveway, one accross the street, one on the roof....

Now I ask myself why there is only one RJ45 connector on the unit and I do not have a good answer. I am going to thingk about that because if there were two then you could stick the RF unit into the middle of a daisy chain and it could then broadcast to another unit that was also in the middle of a daisy chain..... (thanks for the question! it helps us all and keeps us all thinking)

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Can we buy the mp3 components for the CTB16D hobby board or do we have to upgrade to a 160x board? also. As you remeber i had usb on my laptop and not sc485. I had to bu a converter no problem there but will the new boards be daisy chained by usb or by sc485?

what is the initial overhead to become an authorized dealer for LOR?

just a few of the many questions many of us will have

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Steven Singleton Jr. wrote:

Good question abotu the overhead to become a dealer. I would love to be able to be a official dealer for our area. Can't wait to find out all the answers to our questions.

Not exactly being in any particular business other than the occasional freelance web project, I'd be much more interested in some kind of "affiliate program" - think Barnes & Noble or Amazon.com, but for LOR instead. That way a click on my links page back to the LOR site which results in a purchase gives me a couple bucks to buy some more extension cords :]

And Chuck is sitting there reading this thinking "yeah, I could have made some money off of that deal this season with my site... the Florida vacation woulda been paid for!"
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A question about the MP3 Director - does this card come with channels on it? Or is it just a direction unit? (-edit- Maybe a stupid question because why would you want control channels inside, or if it was outside, why would you want your transmitter or stereo out there...-/edit-) Also, will it work with existing LOR I boards as-is, or will they need the firmware upgrade to benifit from it?

And of course, thanks for the updates.. this is like Christmas in January :D

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