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Channel Configuration Question


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I'm trying to create several chase sequences on various aspects of my display and I'm finding it hard to move the channels in the sequence editor to the right order. Sometimes I want a left to right chase followed by a top to bottom chase and then maybe another chase adding more channels. This is very time consuming trying to move the channels in the editor only to have to move them again and again and again if you want different chase sequences. I thought maybe I could save a channel configuration file named "House Chase L-R" and another "House Chase U-D", I would import the channel config, create my chase sequence then import the original channel config back but the chase sequence doesn't get saved to the channel configuration file it just leaves the sequence right where it is. Does this make sense? Is there a way to do what I'm wanting to do without moving the channels in the editor constantly? I would appreciate any input on this, maybe I'm just missing something. Anyone have some tips, cheats etc on this? Thanks in advance.


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You want to create different tracks. You can include or exclude any channels you want and put them in any order you want without affecting the other channels. It's basically a visual thing, a way to display only the channels you are interested in at a particular time and in whatever order you want.

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Two options.


Save Clipboards. Build the effect once, save it to a clip board. The next time you need that effect you could select it from the saved clipboards and paste it into the sequence. With the 'Stretch to Fit' option just below the clipboards, you could take a 2 second effect and paste it into a .5 second space.


Other option is tracks. Create a duplicate of your current track. Then in the new track, re-arrange the channels into the order you want. If you do go with tracks, please read this article on how to manage them for future growth in your display.

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You are describing using a Track.    Select the rows you are flipping around and make them a group.  Then select copy to a new track.  

In the new track you can move them around and it will leave the other track alone.     Now you can do your chases in the track with the channels rearranged. 




You can also try using my tool   Clipboard flipper to get mirror image chases in horizontal or vertical.

Edited by ItsMeBobO
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Thanks so much! That's what I was talking about, I figured there had to be a way to do that. This saves me quite a bit of time. This is my first year doing a display and I'm looking for anything that will help me speed it along... crunch time! Thanks again!

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