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More RGB Strips

Dan C

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Sounds like pretty much everyone is jumping on the RGB LED Strip bandwagon. So I figured I might as well jump too.

I've been reading so much about DMX vs Dumb strips that I've decided for now to just stick with the dumb RGB 5050 strip and add it to a multi star pole topper. I will controll it with a DC controller and 12v power source.

I've been trying to find a good source for RGB strips. So I've searched the web; Ebay, Raywu, Amazon etc. From what I can tell they vary greatly in price. What I can't tell is do they vary in quality, brightness, color depth etc?

Also, there are a few different methods of waterproofing these strips. How does the Silicone tube vs. epoxy coated match up? And is either one easier to cut/re-seal?

Has anyone done any comparison between all the different strips and what would the cost diffidence be?


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Ahh, and therein lies the rub!

Seems like a lot of people on here (myself included) are getting into the RGB world this year.
There are several on here who have begun playing with some of the various strips, pixels, and controllers. The information for all the different types is somewhat spotty but there is a wealth of information on the forum if you search through threads for it.
I can't say that there is any one source yet for the "best deal" out there other than a lot of people are getting their supplies from Ray Wu it seems.
I have some strips on order through eBay right now myself and am waiting for them to arrive so that I can begin my own testing.
Like you I am going to start with "dumb" strips and use a CMB16D controller for them. After I have a chance to see how they work I may step up next year and go to smart pixels but by then probably the whole style will have changed and who knows what will be the new thing to go with. Some of this is also waiting on LOR to implement the E1.31 software support into the product for control of the newer RGB things.

I believe that if you hang out for a couple of months and watch the forum here you will see a lot of people putting up their results for some of this stuff and hopefully they will share good sources for obtaining these parts at good prices.
It is also the Chinese New Year so it is hard if not impossible to order much of anything until the first of February at this point.
That gives you some time to absorb the information on here as well as what David Moore over on Holiday Coro has done for testing as well as the auschristmaslighting.com forum which is a valuable source of info as well.

Good luck with your search and projects.

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I believe a few weeks ago Cracker(Kevin) posted that he would be in the market for RGB sales & devices... I would PM him to see what exactly it is you are looking for. I tried to find the thread but couldn't...

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It's the clear flexible epoxy coating that smells like it should be a banned chemical.

Waterproof, yes, but some said if it's outside too long, the sunlight may yellow it.

I'll be cutting (sacrificing) one up this week to see how easy they are to splice together; window outlines and other props are a-waiting custom RGB decorating.

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Guest Don Gillespie

Dan C wrote:

Ken Benedict wrote:

Looks like a pretty good deal. I made him an offer on two of them. Lets see what happens.

so what is the difference from these strips to the CCRs that are available??
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Here's where I've bought twenty 30-5050 RGB strips from here...

If you email him and buy 10 at a time he discounts by 10% with free shipping. Shipping takes about a week and so far out of the 10 I've tried, they have all worked wonderfully and seem to match colorwise.

I have to try the next 10 out this weekend and then *hopefully* I will start playing with them all over the next month. I want to get some mounted outside under the eave to see how they hold up.


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Don Gillespie wrote:

Dan C wrote:
Ken Benedict wrote:

Looks like a pretty good deal. I made him an offer on two of them. Lets see what happens.

so what is the difference from these strips to the CCRs that are available??

Those strips are the Dumb versions; the CCR is the Smart 6803 version.
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Ken Benedict wrote:

Ken are these strips http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/220888921557?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649the same? I have also bought some from ebay and I would not fully trust that this type is fully waterproof as on the under side there is no protection where the joins are. But they would still work fine under eve's etc.

Attached files 303359=16647-P1051473.JPG
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Yankee: They SHOULD, but testing them would find out for sure. Sometimes, the manufacturers change the order of the colors; RBG or GRB instead of RGB, so it may mess up your programming.

Andrew: NOT the same; yours are half as bright as the ones I use. Twice as many LEDs meand more light output. The weatherproofing is the same; clear flexible epoxy. The 3M adhesive strip on the back is meant to stick onto something, not just hang out in mid-air. don't expect good adhesion on your wood outside; try plastic or a square metal bar. I usually leave the adhesion on and use 4 inch ty-wraps to attach them to hooks or nails.

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Well The guy you recommended on eBay Ken, I offered him $60 for two. He wouldn't come down much at all. He replied that there was little profit in them for him so he came down to $69 for two. Originally two would have been $69.98

So here is my question. If there is little profit and he's only willing come down $0.98 why bother having a "Make offer" on the auction?

I haven't decided if I'm going to buy them yet.

As for the underside waterproofing issue. I have a question. are the contacts bare on the underside? and is that where you are supposed to solder the wires on?
This will make a huge difference in how I build the framework.

Also, if you do peal the sticky backing off, and the connections are bare, If you applied it to square steel, wouldn't it short out?

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Dan C wrote:

So here is my question. If there is little profit and he's only willing come down $0.98 why bother having a "Make offer" on the auction?

Also, if you do peal the sticky backing off, and the connections are bare, If you applied it to square steel, wouldn't it short out?

I always wondered why they (mostly overseas sellers) do that too, with the "Make Offer", It really pisses me off, when that happens to me!

And I totally agree with the second statement! I would love to know that answer?

On a different note, what does everyone use to make there own heat sinks, on lor controllers, that don't have them? Say like the one pictured below:

Attached files 303416=16648-yhst-1552586516070_2186_2020034.jpg
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ny_yankee_25 wrote:

Dan C wrote:
So here is my question. If there is little profit and he's only willing come down $0.98 why bother having a "Make offer" on the auction?

Also, if you do peal the sticky backing off, and the connections are bare, If you applied it to square steel, wouldn't it short out?

I always wondered why they (mostly overseas sellers) do that too, with the "Make Offer", It really pisses me off, when that happens to me!

I say, why make an offer when you can just steal everything you need to do a display? Works for some!
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