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Argh! Update to 3.1.4 killed show


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Somehow the update today did not go well on the show laptop, the show would not kick off. I am uninstalling and re-installing. I hope that does the trick.

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I get the same thing I got before the uninstall. The Tray is not responding. It dumps the Control Panel and then nothing.

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So I uninstalled 3.1.4, re-installed it and I had the same problem. The LOR Tray would hang and nothing. It would dump out of the system tray all together. When you went to re-launch the Tray, it would hang and dump again.

I un-installed 3.1.4 AGAIN, and just went back to 3.1.0. Show is running now at least. Not sure what is up. I installed 3.1.4 on my Build Computer and it seems OK, but then again, I was able to launch SE, HE and the Schedule and Show Editors all fine in 3.1.4 on the Show Computer as well. It just seems to be the LOR Tray that has a problem.

At least I am running again, only 25 minutes late.

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zman wrote:

So I uninstalled 3.1.4, re-installed it and I had the same problem. The LOR Tray would hang and nothing. It would dump out of the system tray all together. When you went to re-launch the Tray, it would hang and dump again.

I un-installed 3.1.4 AGAIN, and just went back to 3.1.0. Show is running now at least. Not sure what is up. I installed 3.1.4 on my Build Computer and it seems OK, but then again, I was able to launch SE, HE and the Schedule and Show Editors all fine in 3.1.4 on the Show Computer as well. It just seems to be the LOR Tray that has a problem.

At least I am running again, only 25 minutes late.

What OS & SP are you running? I can take a look this weekend if you want.
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Win7 64, no SP. It happened again tonight with 3.1.0. I did a LOR resigtry wipe reloaded, and will try to upgrade to 3.1.4 now that the show is over for the night.

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zman wrote:

Win7 64, no SP. It happened again tonight with 3.1.0. I did a LOR resigtry wipe reloaded, and will try to upgrade to 3.1.4 now that the show is over for the night.

I would try installing SP1 and all current MS updates and see what happens.
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3.1.4 appeared to load OK tonight. The LOR Tray is up and running right now. If another glitch occurs, then I will go to SP1. I would rather wait till after the season to do that if possible. Thanks!

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Ok so there is definitely something going on with S3. I am seeing a lot of posts about lock ups and not responding and having to reboot computers etc...

Let me give as much info as I can:

I always keep the Status Window up so I can monitor things. You know when it croacks because the UI goes dull and in the upper right, the UI says "Not Responding" When you finally kill the Status Window, the LOR Control Panel gets dumped out of the System Tray. Re-launching it I have had it where it stays up for awhile and dumpts and where it also dumped immediately again.

So things were working fine for me from Dec 1st to the 5th. On the 5th is when I attempted to upgrade to 3.1.4 and I had my first incident of the "Not Responding". I thought the issues could have been a problematic install, because it did not seem to go too well, but after it finished all seemed OK. There was no changes to the show machine except that upgrade. Then before the show, Not Responding. After some quick de-bug, I just went back to 3.1.0 and ran fine until last night. Then I again had a Not Responding with 3.1.0. So I uninstalled, did a LOR Reistry Wipe re-installed 3.1.0 and the show ran fine last night.

Last night after the show, I upgraded to 3.1.4 to see if that would fix it.The install went OK. I then launched the Status Window. Well, this morning, walking past the show computer again I notice "not responding". I rebooted the machine and it appears fine right now.

I was reading a post where someone was having to reboot once a day.So I figure that is better than re-insatlling things.

All Windows updates have been turned off. There is antivirus software but it runs only on Saturday mornings.

The only other thing running on this machine is Zara Radio during the day and it shuts off 45 seconds before the show kicks in.

On a fresh reboot, there is nothing taking up system resources. I will check that if I see it happen again today.

Oh, one more thing. Same computer ran the show last year with 2.9.4 and never a glitch. There has been no changes at all to this machine, except to upgrade to S3.

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Tim Herberger wrote:

And I thought you knew better... :P

You won't find S3 on my show computer until after the season...

I wouldn't update in the middle of the season either. However, I updated from 2.9.4 to 3.1.2 without a hitch. Shows have been running like clock work no issues and the show computer is an ACER Aspire One, Netbook running WIN 7 Starter, 32 Bit....
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I took the leap of faith and updated to 3.14 yesterday before my show turned on. I had to make a new schedule, but it was simple to do. Everything ran and is running fine.

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Zman, Curt over in Mill Creek.... How are things, did you get the system stable?

I have been lucky so far all is working well ....

Hope to come by and see you display this weekend as time permits.

Merry Christmas


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As far as upgrading software. I agree, and updated the years sequences in S2 first. Then I updated to S3 just to run the show. The issue started by trying to update to a new version 3.1.4 after 3.1.0 was working fine at least to the point of update.

The computer is not the problem in my case. It's a screaming machine. I still think LOR has issues with S3 that they have not fully uncovered. One shouldn't have to reboot daily, nor mess with the USB Adaptor to release the port after it locks up.

We are running right now. 3.1.4 is where I am at, and I will keep my fingers crossed that lock ups during the show don't start happening as others are experiencing. One thing I will do is not leave LOR unmonitored to just kick off the show. I will be sure to check it every night at least 15 minutes before Show Time.

Curt we will be around this weekend and outside as much as posible. Tracy and I will be hosting Michael Simmons and his wife tonight at Casa Zembruski. Michael you may remember was voted best display in America by the Today Show last year. We're looking forward to spending time with them.

Friday and Saturday should start to get busier at my place.

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Glad it is holding up for you.... I have been bleesed so far no issues, started the shows on Sunday night partially and made some changes to the shows them selves while the schedule was running and all is well... Acutally had a error where one of my stactic lights was named incorrectly and while it showed errors when the next event came up it ran correctly.

Simmons has done some fun stuff, enjoy the evening and give greetings from another NW guy!

Try and see you over the weekend!


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The issue started by trying to update to a new version 3.1.4 after 3.1.0 was working fine at least to the point of update. The computer is not the problem in my case. It's a screaming machine. I still think LOR has issues with S3 that they have not fully uncovered.

I seriously doubt that there is any problem in 3.1.4 that was not in 3.1.0. There were two and only two changes in between:

(1) A fix for starting up SuperStar, which would have absolutely no effect on your shows.

(2) A fix for the slow resource leak that was discovered in LORTray. The fix for this was very simple (once discovered), and I seriously doubt that it had an unintended side effect.

So I'm pretty sure that anything that is wrong with 3.1.4 was wrong with 3.1.0. I don't doubt that 3.1.0 was working for you and 3.1.4 is not, but I would not be so quick to dismiss something else as the cause. For example, things can go wrong during installation, getting Windows confused and leading to all sorts of strange things happening. Or something seemingly insignificant may have changed, such as the placement of a cable, or the placement of some source of EMF relative to a cable.

I'm not saying that the problem is definitely not in LOR itself. But I am saying that if the problem is in LOR itself, then I'd bet dollars to donuts that the problem is in 3.1.0 as well as in 3.1.4, so "It started happening when I upgraded from 3.1.0 to 3.1.4" doesn't totally convince me that it's not necessarily something external.
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Gotcha Bob. Thanks for providing the extra info. My latest re-install/upgrade to 3.1.4, 2 days ago seems for now, to be doing better. So far in 2 days/nights of shows no lock up, and I just looked again and it looks good so far this morning.

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I am not experiencing this same problem. I actually have three different displays running from three different computers, two of which are working beautifully. However, one is locking up after running the show once. It locks the LOR control panel on - will not let me disable show. When I restart the computer, I have to unplug the usb and use the second comm port on the computer. It runs for about 10 minutes then locks up again. I have to go through the same process again. Any suggestions would be great appreciated.

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