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1602W - static sequence and then light show??


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I am looking to set my display up for a special occasion in which the lights will be running a standard " animation" sequence that basicilly emulates an old fashioned display...

im noticing on the pinout from the header on the controller that if I ground the "input" pin I can have a sequence start that I download into the controller..

I also have a PC that runs my normal animated light show with S2.

there are 11 controllers in the network.. 1 showtime 1602 (I got in 2009), 9 PC boards and 1 DC board...

so how would this work? if I ground the input pin on the1602 will it tell the computer to be quiet and not run the animated show?

then if I open the input will it tell the computer to go back to the animated show?

im wanting to be able to basicilly switch the display at any time from the static sequence to the normal musical show on demand...

I have the equipment to do contact closure.. my house has X-10, however I do not have an extra CM-11a to hook to my LOR computer.. I also dont know how X-10 works with it..if X-10 is what I need then i can try and get one here by weds..

I do have an extra PSC05 unit..will that work in place of a CM-11a?

I got till weds evening to get this together..

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First of all if you load a standalone sequence in the controller and trigger it (I don't think you can trigger a stand alone), I believe it will run all the time. Second, I would suggest you read the section of the help file in regards to the options for triggers from the computer. The information is pretty straight forward. Some experimentation may be well worth the effort.


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what I didnt find in the help is what is allowed to be a trigger? sure I can set up triggers in my hardware utility and trigger sequences based from them... but what can be a trigger?

x10? only a DIO board? the input pin on my 1602? in the hardware utility my 1602 shows up as having input 2,3 as triggered...

but I need to know where I physically wire it up so that I can start coming up with a plan for the sequences I want to use in the interactive part....


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You probably don't want to do anything with the stand alone capability. Do it all through the PC, so it is selecting the triggered, or non triggered behavior. The easy way to wire up the triggers is this board:


It plugs into the header, and provides pull up resistors, so that the triggers are not in an electrically undefined state, where it is not clear if they are triggered, or untriggered. If they still show triggered with only the header connected, your board may be configured for normally closed contacts, that act triggered when the connection is opened.

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is there anything I can build with standard parts? trouble is this needs to be done fopr a TV spot weds... of course as with all TV spots its short notice.. so I dont have tyime to get a board ordered and shipped here by weds...

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