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I purchased a Ramsey FM100B for my light show this year and am having some serious issues with distance. I can barely get 20-30 feet of range no matter what and I have even added an antenna. The antenna is set up at the road and still the reception is terrible.

Any suggestions on what to do?

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My Ramsey FM100B went WAY beyond where the house could be seen. I am not an electronics guy so I have only basic suggestions. But your range should be much better. Mine was sitting on the computer desk with just a telescope antenna and it went through the house walls and over two blocks.

(It stopped transmitting last week so I have a new MobileBlackBox for now)

Be sure to do the calibration near the end of the set up. There is a power dial on the board and the line1&2 which effect the distance.

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Agreed with BobO. Ramsey has a set of detailed instructions for tuning.

Did you build it or buy it built?

What kind of antenna are you using?

What kind and distance cable are you using to attach the antenna?

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I too have a Ramsey and am VERY impressed by the distance I am getting..probably close to 1/2 mile and this is in a very dense residential neighborhood.

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I originally baught it off ebay. I then sent it to Ramsey as the distance was poor. They repaired something on the board, sent it back and I got about 20-30 ft out of it using the telescoping antenna.

I then went looking for an antenna and came upon plans for one that could be built which I did and I really didn't get a change in range. The distance of the RG6 is 100' and I used #10 copper for the antenna and PVC.

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If you were only getting 20-30 feet with the telescopic antenna, than something is wrong. Ramsey's appear to be sensitive to static discharge. Any possibility you touched the antenna post power up?

I think you might have to send it back again.

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It doesn't always, and they have updated their designs to try and shield the RF amplifier from static discharge, but the GAL5 is somewhat prone to damage from static discharge. If using the whip antenna, I would recommend never touching it with the unit powered up, and when touching it with the unit off, make sure you are grounded to the metal case first. I would probably use a piece of heat shrink tubing over the antenna as well to reduce the odds of some unintentional contact by other people in the house...

On my 30B, I've taken to using a knock off TM-100 antenna, as it and the cabling have no exposed metal to provide a static damage path.

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I just want to thank ItsMeBobO and all of you for the input. I ran home and opened the case up, sure enough the dial mentioned was all the way down. I adjusted it up and I HAVE 200-300 FT of range now!

Thanks and Merry Christmas to all!

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