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Frank A.

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Good morning

well I have been hit with the evil christmas ????????

Several sequences utilize the derby x for the main lighting

effect --- it quit yesterday

20 degrees and 40 mph winds --

does anyone have any idea what the low temperature rating is for a derby x

it is not an outdoor fixture but I have built a custom enclosure

I can maybe try to add a enclosure heater

wood enclosure -- not sure about heater

Frank A.:)

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The winds probably had nothing to do with it unless there was actual structure damage to the unit.

Chauvet does not temperature rate the device because is it not designed for outdoor use.

Did it stop while it was operating or did it just not start? A heater would probably be in order as these units have motors and internal moving parts that could freeze from condensation.

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It never started after the cold snap

wind will not bother it

I mentioned the wind for dramatic effect !!!!!!!

no motors in this unit

six banks of leds and a small control board

each bank is manually adustable with screws

factory set and not touched by me

all other dmx equipment working

oh -- it is the last unit in the cable mapping

I will investigate that issue

I do have 110v to enclosure can not check inside

without bringing it indoors -- next day off Sunday

will redo sequences to eliminate songs with this fixture

as prominent focal point

trying to find panel heaters -- not recommended with wood

plus I made this enclosure tight so there is not much room

for a panel heater

thanks for the response

just baffled that cold would affect electronics -- maybe bad joint

Frank A.:)

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Good morning

never heard of them

will get one as fast as I can

thanks for the tip

will start working on this unit this evening

Frank A.:)

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20 degrees is not very cold. I'm not totally convinced a non-mechanical device should care about that level of cold... Cold is more of a problem when you have mechanics involved... Are you sure that something else didn't happen?

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Good morning

Iresq, Donald, and Tim

found the guilty demon in the derby x


bad solder joint came apart (I guess from the cold since it worked for 2 weeks)

I made a cable 12" long with 90 degree dmx connectors for

inside the enclosure

worked for two weeks and quit at start of show

took unit down and disassembled enclosure

removed the twelve inch cable during diagnosis and amazingly

the unit started to function properly

pics to follow hopefully

info: the unit would not function at all without the end terminator being installed it is the last unit in the cable layout two cables come out of the enclosure one is to the derby x the other from the derby x with the broken solder joint in the short cable the dmx signal must have been floating with the terminator installed the unit would run in auto sequence mode as if some dmx signal was recognized with the terminator uninstalled the unit did not function at all --- the units function could not be changed with a sequence or in the HWU the idmx was sending packets all the time and the derby x was interpretting them as a good dmx value --- just thought I would pass this info on

hope that explanation is clearer than mud

Frank A.:)

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Good morning


i do use this outside installed in a wood enclosure

with a lexan window front and one side

pictures to follow sometime next week

I have not taken any stills or video this season

will get to it next week i hope

I also use chauvet splash jr.s

outside in plastic totes wrapped in duct tape for coloring

the enclosure one red one blue

I will send you an email when i get the pics

Frank A.:)

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Yes pleases post some video & Photos sometime down the road :-)

Frank A. wrote:

Good morning


i do use this outside installed in a wood enclosure

with a lexan window front and one side

pictures to follow sometime next week

I have not taken any stills or video this season

will get to it next week i hope

I also use chauvet splash jr.s

outside in plastic totes wrapped in duct tape for coloring

the enclosure one red one blue

I will send you an email when i get the pics

Frank A.:)
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Good afternoon

Merry Christmas

took some stills

can't believe it

my sony mvc1000 is so old it won't talk to vista

or xp

I am not going to finalize the disk when it is only half used

working tonight --- have an old windows 2000 machine

I'll see if I can get pictures transfered

Will work on video next week

Frank A.:D

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Good afternoon

still working on getting old Sony to talk to xp

working on fixes

will post pics of enclosure soon!!!!!!!!!! i hope

if there is an interest i will provide a sequence that has

dmx programming in it

Frank A.:)

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  • 1 month later...

Good evening

i finally got my old sony mavica talking to my

laptop again ---- had to partition hd and load 98se

on one partition and xp on another parttion

i have pictures now of the poor solder job on the dmx cable

and pics of the enclosure with some text added

Frank A.:D

Attached files 198242=11060-DSC00047.JPG

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I like those derby lights... they have a neat pattern... we used to use them on the dance floor in the clubs... the encloisures look pretty bullet-proof too.. did you have any issues wit hthe windows fogging up in them?

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Good morning


frost would build in the bottom left corner of the front

lexan panel --- maybe an inch or so high ---- never affected

the light pattern

i had a concern with the sun hitting the lenses in the derby x

thought it might affect electronics ---- never became an issue

no moisture was present inside the unit that i could detect

Frank A.:D

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Good morning

i forgot to mention

the frame is 2x2 wood

with pre drilled steel angle and bolted on each side of the

top frame --- front to back ---

with pre drilled flat stock mounted at an angle

back left to front right and bolted to the angle pieces

the electrical hub is actually bolted to the flat stock

it is not just the wood top holding the weight

everything from loew's

Frank A.:D

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