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Bill Easterlin

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I have 8 controllers and the Hardware Utility will not recognize the 8th one.

All channel settings are correct
LOR Sequence Editor v2.6.2 Advanced. Red light flashing on controller. I have read so many post I am getting confused.

thanks in advance


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Cables are good


Do you mean the small white wheels on the controller itself. If so i am 99.99% they are correct. Looking at them they read 0 & 8 also counting clicks as I turn them.

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I meant either switching the cat cable and/or actually switching controller 7 with controller 8

or I guess you could just switch ID's...change #7 to #8 and #8 to #7

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so what happened when you switched??

do they both now work?

If so..I would wonder why???

If they ARE both working, I would change the ID's back to there original configurations and see what happens. If they STILL both work, then you won't have to change anything else.

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If they both work when you changed address on the controllers. Then rotate the dials a few turns each way and then set them. Keep in mind that the switches are only read when the controller is powered up. So if you change the address with power on, the unit will keep it's old address until you unplug and replug.

Oh I guess I should mention that Dan has stated this solution to switches not working correctly.


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I tried switching back two diffrent times. But the HWU would not see the 8th controller in the 8th position. Maybe bad pod on the controller. They are both working and looking great. Light up night tonight all the neighbors are coming for a party.

Again thanks, I was under the gun..

Bill Easterlin

Lower Burrell Pa

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