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Light-O-Rama Forums

Power Input and Lights Staying on

Roger Leon Forbes

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Was having problems with some lights staying on or coming on when they where not called for by LOR. After reading several post here and on LOR, I checked the power input to insure they where right. Found that on two inputs, one on unit 1 and one on unit 4 where reverised. After repairing this the LOR's cleared up and no more lights coming on or staying on. I post this as info in hopes it might help someone one else, know its been covered before but in the rush of things nebies like myself often over look things.

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What model were your controllers you found this problem on? Were they purchase as completely built controllers from LOR?

If they were completely built units from LOR then I suggest an email to support@lightorama.com so they can maybe institute better quality control procedures in this area.


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No Chuck, these where built by me, when I attached the power plug to board I followed the color code, black to hot white to nuteral but when I put the male plug on the cord I switched them by mistake. After getting that strighted out it cleared up a lot of problems I was having.

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