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Incandescent flicker during fade

Darin Miller

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I'm getting a strange flicker when fading strings of incandescent lights that worked fine last year. The only thing I have changed is the addition of one more 1602PC controller to the display. I do have LED strings on other channels that exhibit the normal jumpy fade issues, but I'm more worried about why the same C7 and mini strings are doing this (contagious!). It's almost as if these regular bulbs caught the LED disease.

It does seem to happen on the same channels in the same parts of the sequence. The sequences were originally created in 2.0.14 and updated in 2.3.4. I have checked the sequences to ensure no problems. It's most pronounced when holding a 40-50% dim level or a really slow 0-100 fade. If I have a fade that last 4 seconds on some C7s, it will flicker for only about 1 second and only at one part of the sequence. I have other similar fades in the sequence that work fine. This is a tricky one. It only affects about 10 channels out of 128. Any ideas on where to start?

Thanks -Darin

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It's looking like the single new 16PC controller is causing some sort of problem with the remaining controllers. All other controllers from last year seem to do OK when they are powered on by themselves. It's looking like a possible power issue or RS485 noise issue on the CAT5 line. Uggh!

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Any CFL bulbs either in the display, or on the same circuit as part of the display? (Especially that new controller) Any other inductive or reactive loads on the controllers, or the same circuit?

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I heard rumors that there was a firmware issue in the newest of PC controllers.. I know i saw a thread somewhere on this forum or on planetchristmas about it.. the newest PC controlls will have a 4.4x stream of firmware in them

in the past when I had fade issues (with AL controllers) it was related to power... power feeds to the controllers sharing motors or CFL bulbs caused inconsistent low level fades...
maybe something similar?

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No motors or CFLs, but I do have a lot of LEDs on the new controller. The firmware of the new controller is 4.02; it's a CTB16PC board. I removed the power from the new controller for a quick test and everyting worked fine upstream of the it (on the comm cable). There was still an issue with the last controller in the chain. This was with a completely powered off controller. thanks for all the suggestions. I'll keep digging.

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I would upgrade the firmware to 4.32, even though it is unlikely to be even remotely related to your issue. At least you have removed any question of the 4.40 firmware for the V2 boards being part of the equation. (I have a dozen of them in the city park show, which goes live today, and so far in testing, I have seen zero issues with the 4.40 firmware on V2 boards)

Are any of the LED's the 2008 CDI strings?

Are you keeping the data cables away from the power cables?

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3 of my controllers are CTB16PC. I upgraded them all to 4.32 firmware. The problem still exists, but at least I'm current with FW. I don't have the CAT5 any closer to electrical cables than necessary, but it has to get close to AC current cables at some point when it enters the controller. It was a bit too cold today (massive wind chill) for troubleshooting. I have a V2 board that I will swap into it's place in a few days and continue the quest. thanks

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I've encountered problems similar to what you describe in situations with "dirty" power. That is, if the electrical source to the controller is spiky, or has a poorly bonded neutral, or lots of line voltage drop from a long extension cord, etc. What's your power situation like? Residential wiring? Anything inside the house (CFLs?) on the same circuit? How far away from the outlet is the LOR?

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Also try a snubber on the LED lights. On the led section they are recommending that a snubber be used on any LED strand of 2 strings or more. There was a link to a thread on PC about it.

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The problem still exist, but the show is going and I am being careful not to make too many adjustments. I'm still observing it happening during long fades (> 1 sec). So far, I have the following things to check:

Dirty Power- I wish there was a way to measure this, but the same electrical infrastrure from last year was used. Seperate 60A subpanel, with 7 circuits all GFCI, 12 ga romex in conduit out to the plugs in the yard. Main panel at house is correctly bonded (Neu/Gnd), subpanel for lights has seperate GND and NEU. No CFLs on any of those circuits.

Comm Problems: I have one spare controller that I want to swap in to check for this. I can also swap the comm chip. (pending)

Snubber on the LED segments: I can do this, but I can perform a quick check by just unplugging all LED devices from the suspect controller. (There are 12 LED decorations on that controller). My LEDs are a combination of 50ct strings of GKI/Bethlehem, and GE. I have adjusted many of my sequences to use shorter fades to lessen the problem.

As always, you guys are awesome, Thanks for all the help.

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