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My life is a reality TV show

Christie Family

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My family is part of a new HGTV show called Holiday Battle on the Block. We have been given the LOR to use to light out house on reveal night - which is tonight. I have everything connected and loaded. Seems to be working okay. I have to now sequence it all but keep getting stuck in the Sequence editor as the screen it's saying should pop up doesn't. I have two units connected for a total of 32 channels. I just want a simple program that will bring the first unit (and the first 16 channels) up in order then to start the second unit and the next 16 channels in order - so all come up within 30 seconds and stay on for four hours. Is there some way someone can do this remotely for me or can they send the file to me? I have to have this ready for the final reveal tonight for the show and I'm worred that I won't be able to do this myself, I only have about four hours to pull this off and ensure it's working correctly. Can someone help me? Thanks - Maureen

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Here are the steps you need to do this.

  1. Create a 1 minute sequence fading up the all 32 channels and then keeping them on until the end of the 1 minute sequence. Name it FadeUp or something.
  2. Create another 1 minute sequence called all AllChannelsOn. Make all channels on for the whole sequence.
  3. Build your show using show editor in Startup section put the FadeUp sequence and be sure that the checkbox called "Turn used lights off at end of each sequence is NOT checked.
  4. In the animation sequence put your AllChannelsOn sequence. Here to uncheck the the Checkbox called "Turn used lights off at end ..."
  5. save this as a show called Reveal, you could also at a fade down sequence in Shutdown if you wanted.
  6. Open up the Schedule editor, schedule the time you want this show (Reveal) to start. And have it run for the 4 hours that you want.

I only have Demo version here at work or I could knock this out right now on lunch hour.

Good luck look to see you on TV.

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It was a GREAT show!! I was really impressed how each of the families shows turned out! Even Paul-Dean's (or Dean-Paul's) in CA wasn't too bad once his electrical load was sorted out.. You guys did good..

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