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I hooked up the first controller via the phone cable. But the other two controllers Status LEDs are still blinking. Any ideas? I verified the connections they are good. I swapped the connections. Same thing. If I use them all on their own they are fine they just wont create a network even though the Unit IDs are set. The first two have selector switches the third does not but I already ran the HW Utility. HEEELLLPPP lol

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Ok, a little lean on facts so I am going to try to fill in the holes and you correct me. Ok, how did you connect the phone cord to your computer? Then you took the other end and plugged it into the left connector of the first controller. And I presume that both the LED is solid and you have been able to find it via the Hardware?

So, I can only presume that you are using just everyday cat5 patch cord plugged into either of the ethernet connectors (middle or right connector). And then going to either the middle or right connector of the next controller. And again repeated for the 3rd controller. Now these patch cords (cat5), how did you come by them? Are these home made or store bought. Although I have seen some store bought that are worse then home made.

Enough questions for now. Lets see what we have here..

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Im sorry, I am new to the forum stuff.

You are correct. I am using the phone cable to connect to each of them by themselves and I am able to find them. By themselves. As soon as I hook them up in a chain. I can only see the first one.

I am using CAT5 cables that I already had. They are not made by me they are just cables I had that came with my computers and stuff. The reason I am using the Phone cable is the first controller has a bad IN cat5 port. But the out works. Well at least that is what I was told when I bought it. This may be my problem. Or do you have another Idea.

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THANKS for the help. I actually just fixed it. I just swapped the connections around a bit and found that the BAD controller I bought for dirt cheap was really good. And the Good controller I bought was actually bad. The guy must have mixed them up. No biggie. Its fixed and i got the chain to talk and I see all of them in the hardware controller. Thanks again.


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I didn't do anything, but your welcome. Looks like you played with it some and redefined the problem and applied the corrective action to fix it yourself. Congrats.

Glad to hear that all is well for you.

May you have a dynamite display and a merry Christmas.

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Thanks I am trying but I live in military housing and EVERYTHING I wanted to do seemed to break every rule they had. So my new display isnt as big as I wanted but everyone sees me out there with a Laptop controlling the lights and they are like WOW how are you doing that. They think Im crazy. BUT HEY IT IS FUN!!

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They also call me crazy cause I am a newbie and I am taking on 48 channels and 8200 lights. ALL WITHOUT ever doing this before.

You know they say Crawl, Walk then RUN...HEll I started with a sprint.

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Ok, you beat me on light count, but I got 62 of 64 channels in use. And I am new too. Although I did get the software at the first of this year. Got 2 controllers in the spring sale and 2 during the summer sale. I am just a procratenator and only got three songs done. With last just this past week. BTW glad to see the navy aint giving you to much trouble..

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OHHH NONONO Dont let me fool you they freaking gave me such as hard time. I have had to change my display time after time. In turn I had to also re program every song too. I have 4 done and I just got the program a month ago. It is very time consuming.

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