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Channel Staying On...

Roger Leon Forbes

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Know this has been covered, time is short sorry for the double posting and know its been covered. I have two channels on mega tree that come on at different times, one on unit 1 and one on unit 3, useing 4 units on mega tree. There are also different channels on different units do same thing, it is ramdon. Thanks roger

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Guest wbottomley

Roger Leon Forbes wrote:

Know this has been covered, time is short sorry for the double posting and know its been covered. I have two channels on mega tree that come on at different times, one on unit 1 and one on unit 3, useing 4 units on mega tree. There are also different channels on different units do same thing, it is ramdon. Thanks roger

Try resetting you controllers. If that doesn't work and they are still on, it's probably a bad triac.
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