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Lights turn off


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I have a sequence for testing that turns on all the lights in a certain color. The lights are to stay on during the entire sequence. I run the sequence and they all come on as expected for only about 2 seconds and then turn back off.

I'm using 2.6.0. I updated the firmware on all my CTB16PC. I have 6 controllers and they all come on an turn off at the same time. I'm also using the wireless Linkers.

In the Hardware utility sometime I have to press the on or off button more than once to get all the lights on or off.

An attempt to run a normal show had very odd results where only a few of the channels ever turned on and some never do.

So does this sound like a USB 485 Driver issue (im using the FTDI driver) --OR-- does this sound like an Easy Light Linker (ELL) issue? Or maybe it's a Software issue.

It should also be noted that I'm running Win XP with all the latest service Packs and Hot fixes.

I've also had problems in the Hardware utility where on occasion it does not recgonize the ELL and I have to restart the computer.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


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I followed the LOR procedures in the USB 485 troubleshooter and did the FTClean utility and then reinstalled the drivers. I'm still having lots of wierdness with lights not always comming on. I think I'm convinced I have a communication problem to my controllers, it's as though they are not always getting the signal. So am I getting interference? Also after rebooting I ran a sequence and I got nothing. I ran the hardware utility again and it did not detect the ELL. I clicked the RF tab at the top and clicked the Get Current Config. I then clicked the Update config button and exited th eHardware config. Opened up my sequence again and played it. This time I go the above mentioned spratic results where the lights did not always turn on or off as though there was a communications problem.

So now what? Maybe pull in all my ELL and change the channel on each one to something else as I may be having some interference?



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Update #2:

Removed ELL and hard wired PC to first controller. I still have 2 more ELL's out side linking controller 5 to controller 6 on the roof. With this configuration everything seems to be working as expected. So I have 1 of 3 problems:

1. ELL I removed is bad --OR--
2. ELL I removed has different setting that the other 2 ELL's. I struggle with this since I was always able to see all 6 of my controllers. --OR--
3. I have something else on the 900MHz spectrum in my house that is conflicting with the one inside. If that is the case it is not strong enough to conflict with the two outside, as they seem to be working just fine.

So now the question is how do I troubleshoot this?


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Not sure if this is going down the right path, but do you have any CFL (compact fluorescent lamp) devices in the system? They've been known to cause interference resulting in "wierdness", and should not be used.


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I am a little late to the party, but I see you have started without me. I was going to suggest the hard wire route for testing as you have already done. Seems that if I read your results, that this cleared all of your problems up. Ok so if I am reading correctly. Your set-up is computer inside, linked to 1st controller via ELL. Then you have a 3 ELL on controller #5 and that links to controller #6 with a 4th ELL. Is this also correct?

Ok, ELL # 1 and 2 should be configured on one freq. And ELL # 3 and 4 should be configured for a different freq. Although not being there and seeing no diagram. I have to wonder why the ELL off of controller #5. I could be all wet, but is there a reason that you cant have a ELL at computer, another at controller #1 and one at controller #6?

On ward, do you own a cordless phone? Does it transmit on the 900Mhz freq. band? There is a source for interference. How close is the ELL to your computer? The reboots are a possible clue that the ELL might be interjecting noise into the computer. Also how is the ELL orintated to the computer and the power leads, ethernet wiring? If this was my set-up. I would get the ELL above the plane of any wiring and the computer. I would make darn sure that my case is closed tight. EMI/RFI escaping from the computer could be blocking out reception of the ELL. Do you have a good grounded outlet and the computer is grounded via the outlet? No 3 prong to 2 prong cheaters, right?

You are on a good path in your trouble shooting. I hope the above might be of some value to you finding the problem.

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Setup is...er was simpler. I have 3 ELL's. 1 ELL on computer in the house, another ELL on the roof and the 3rd one in the middle of the yard on the mega tree. But if I'm understanding you correctly, I should have the ell's in pairs only on their own frequency and that having 3 all on the same frequency is not recommended?


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All three of my ELL's are on the same frequency and that IS recommended for the way you are set up. Otherwise, one of the ELLs would never see the commands.

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Another possible problem I have read when dealing with ELLs is to keep the cable distance as short as possible. The ELL is powered from the controller, or in the case of a usb485B adapter from the adapter. In the past people have recommended keeping this cable to a distance of about 10 feet. The voltage loss with a longer cable causes irratic behavior.

As far as your setup. You can run with either 2 pairs of ELLs which is the way I understood you first had your network, OR you could run with all 3 on the same frequency. The second way is probably the best to keep from frequency harmonics playing into the mess.


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Actually chartrand, I quote myself "I could be all wet, but is there a reason that you cant have a ELL at computer, another at controller #1 and one at controller #6?"
So, in the long run I was wondering why the unit on #5. and all 3 above would be on the same freq.

Chuck, I think you are slightly confused. You are discribing cross talk or bleed over from near by channels. What you named is "frequency harmonics" is when a lower frequency is an odd multible lower. For example 900Mhz device might interfere with a 2700Mhz device due to 3rth harmonic interference. Two different issues.

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