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Two controllers, only acting as one? Please help


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I have two controllers. I am wanting to set them up independent of one another so I can do 32 independent functions.

However, whenever I run the refresh in hardware, it only brings up one unit. However, it controls both, identically. Example: It says one unit basically but, when I test in console and run channel 1, channel one from both units lights up.

My setup.

Cat five from pc/usb to controller 1 (what will be controller 2, I havent done any renaming yet as I 've only found one controller). I have a cat five them running from controller 2, to controller 1. and from controller 1 to DMX.

Any ideas on what IM doing wrong?

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-klb- wrote:

Which type of controllers are they?

Have you configured the second controller with a second unit ID?


no I HAVENT. i thought I did that after they were identified. I mean how do I give the second one a second id if it hasnt recognized it at all yet?

Also, just tidbits.......the first controller from the pc doesnt have to be #1 does it? I want it #2. is that ok?
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They don't have to be cabled in any given order.

Configuring a 1602 is done by the dials on the controller. Configuring a PC series is done with the hardware utility.

You will have to have only the new one hooked up and powered up to set the ID. The ones shipped lately come preconfigured as ID 1, so you have to have just it connected, or you will change both unit 1's to unit 2's... Ones that shipped earlier have no unit ID until you use the set new unit ID box to configure then for the first time. Again, they need to be the only controller connected that is powered up when doing this.

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-klb- wrote:

They don't have to be cabled in any given order.

Configuring a 1602 is done by the dials on the controller. Configuring a PC series is done with the hardware utility.

You will have to have only the new one hooked up and powered up to set the ID. The ones shipped lately come preconfigured as ID 1, so you have to have just it connected, or you will change both unit 1's to unit 2's... Ones that shipped earlier have no unit ID until you use the set new unit ID box to configure then for the first time. Again, they need to be the only controller connected that is powered up when doing this.

Ok thanks KLB. Please accept my apologies for being redundant but to a extent alot of this stuff sounds like chinese (just the technical stuff).

I do in fact have a controller from last year and a new one.

So......................I should plug in (to an outlet) only the new one and then the older one will be powered from the cat 5? So the new one is the second in line (not the first to pc) but thats ok?

Just making sure. so if I turn off the extra power to the older unit, and then refresh in hardware it should show two units?
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I believe right now, you have two controllers both configured as ID 1. With just one of them live, reconfigure it to ID 2 using the hardware utility. Once it shows up as controller ID 2, power up and connect both controllers and refresh the controller list, then you should see two controllers show up.

With both set as unit 1, when the hardware utility asks if ID 1 is present, they both answer so close to the same time and way that there is no reliable way to tell that more than one controller answered...

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