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Addressing Question.

James Shelby

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I know we have talked on this question in the past but I, at the time, had no need for the answer until now. I'm setting up a display for someone who has seven 16 channel controllers with the two address switches in the upper right corner and two other controllers, one 8 channel and one 16 channel without the address switches. I don't know the question I'm asking, how do I or how are the addresses set up? Do you set the first seven and the other two fall into place?

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The controllers without the switches have to be set to an address using the hardware utility. Connect them to the computer 1 at a time and set each of their addresses to something different than the first 7 controllers.


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There is no need to assign IDs in consecutive order. As long as the sequence has the unit/channels define to support the unit IDs that you assigne the controllers.

It is correct that any controller that does not have the switches, the unit ID is set using the hardware utiltiy. You can in reality assign the controllers without switches unit 1 and 2. IT does not matter as long as you do not duplicate IDs unintentionally.


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Thanks guys for answering this question. This weekend went good, he has 7 CTB16's and 3 of the PC's. His problem was he had changed a few of the boxes to 01.

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