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I bough a USB485B USB to 485 converter with booster form Light O Rama in Feb or March of 06. It works great still to this day. I just picked up another one from someone selling some extra stuff so I could have a spare. It was manufactured in 07.
The newer one has a cd with it with a version 2 driver. The old one has no version listed. The new one shows errors when I try to swap them. I'm assuming that I have to install the new driver.
Does this mean the old one won't work?
I'd really like to be able to swap back and forth in case of failure during a show....
Can the old one have new firmware loaded?

Thanks for your help!

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I don't remember seeing any reference to hardware revision compatibility on the chipset manufacturers page for the drivers. I'm guessing that if there are any differences in the hardware the newer driver automatically speaks to it the right way. I would probably go with the latest drivers that LOR has or references on their support page.

I know I go back and forth between 2 '08 vintage USB485B adapters and an '07 USB485 adapter with no issues, just different com port numbers.

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