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I havent hooked up my LOR units yet (waiting for USB Adapter) but I have a question.

When i start my laptop where LOR Software is installed I receive notification that LOR is running and of course a comm port error because units are not connected yet.

But, once I build my show with sequences and set the schedule for times to play will the scheduling editor automatically run if the computer shits down and restarts? I know the LOR Software is set to automatically start when computer boots (which it does) I just wanted to know for sure that the scheduled show would automatically play or if there is something I must do int he event of a restart

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As long as shows are enabled, your show will start automatically when scheduled when you turn your computer back on.

By the way, I think you need to edit the spelling of the "s" word in the last paragraph, first sentence. :)

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Denny wrote:

By the way, I think you need to edit the spelling of the "s" word in the last paragraph, first sentence. :D

OH thats too funny - I couldnt edit it because it was more than 1 hour since the original post so now I guess everyone can have a laugh at my expense.
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