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I am converting from S4 to S6 my .LMS files converted with no issue but I am unable to find anything I did in Superstar

Greenlee Brittenum

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It is very frustrating, can someone point me in the right direction? I have watched a ton of video but have not found one on how to convert superstar files to S5/S6. All I need to bring over is a 30 x 27 matrix. But I don't want to have to reprogram it for 23 sequences. Is there any way to bring my existing work over to S6? All my AC channels converted with no issues.

Edited by Greenlee Brittenum
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Three parts to this answer.  For your completed S4 sequences, if you exported from SuperStar as legacy format so that the SuperStar sequencing simply becomes Sequence Editor sequencing (no different than your AC controller sequencing) then that sequencing will be there and will play in S6.  However you won't be able to edit the data in SuperStar.  That is largely the same situation as it was in S4 (sort of).  Have no fear, I will get to how to be able to sequence in SuperStar with your existing files shortly.

If you exported your S4 SuperStar sequencing in the new format (as Intensity Files), I believe that will also translate to S6 - at least to play, but I have no idea on editing later in S6.  Again, have no fear, I'll get to the solution.

In order to migrate the SuperStar data into S6 formating so you CAN edit it in SuperStar, there is a little work to do, but it's not all that hard.  But you do have to do it on each sequence.  BTW, there may be a better way to do this, but this is what I did (quite a few years ago).  I S6 sequencer, you need to have the Prop for your matrix built in the Preview and it MUST have at least one Motion Effects row.  Open a sequence.  Select any time segment on the Motion Effect row for the matrix, and then type the letter "r".  That will change the time of the selection to the entire row (the entire sequence).  Then select "Insert SuperStar Effect" via any of the methods that will accomplish (I use Shift-S).  Once SuperStar opens, open you S4 SuperStar sequence using Menu > File > Open.  That will load all the sequencing for that song in SuperStar.  Play it in SuperStar and make sure that it looks right.  Then Exit SuperStar.  It will ask if you want to save or export of something like that to Sequencer.  Yes, you do.  It will go through a few steps, but will then save all the data to Sequencer as a Motion Effects.  Once it completes (it may take a while), make sure it plays correctly on the S6 Sequencer.  If so, save the sequence.  I HIGHLY suggest saving with a new name.   Once you have done this, you can edit the edit the existing sequencing simply by double clicking on the matrix Motion Effect row.

BTW, even if you had exported your S4 SuperStar sequencing as Legacy format (so it will play in S6), you will likely want to delete that sequencing in Sequencer and use the procedure I listed above so that you can edit it later on.

If you need to create a SuperStar effect for only part of the song, there are a couple extra steps, but it still works.

This sounds complex, but once you've done it a couple times, it almost becomes second nature.

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Wow, awesome info!! I'm going to copy and paste that so i have it when I convert next year. Thanks for the great info. 


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On 10/5/2023 at 5:49 AM, Greenlee Brittenum said:

So what files do I import .sup or ss.lid or something else?

If you are asking what file you would use after opening SuperStar via an "Insert SuperStar Effect" it would be the .sup file.  If you are asking something else, please be more specific about what you are asking.


So far you are giving very little information.  Please don't make us guess what you are doing.



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Unfortunately I don't know enough to ask an intelligent question. So I finally got the motion effect rows to work but it only imports one line. As best as I can tell I need to somehow import my shape file (.lee) from Superstar. And I have not figured out how to bring it into S6.


I was pretty good in S4 but struggling in S6. I appreciate your help, Jim. I would not have gotten to this point without it.  

Edited by Greenlee Brittenum
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If you sequence on a different computer from your show computer, then export your sequences by copying the *.loredit files from the Sequences folder, the SuperStar portions of your sequence may be missing from the show.

This is because the Sequencer will create a SS_*.avi file for each SuperStar effect, which is required to play that effect. The show player will not create these files (at least not as of version 6.1.6).

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