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Com issue

Mark J. M.

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I run my show from a g4 MP3 director using two networks, one runs regular LOR 57.7 the other enhanced for pixels only. I have a pro license w/24 SS running S6.1.2. I have not altered my setup from last year when the show ran well using S5. My issue is one of my daisy chained controllers on my regular network seems to have a com issue. When I plug the ethernet cable into only one port (I have tried both) the communication to that controller is fine. However when I plug in the next controller in the chain the communication is intermittent. It will communicate for a time and then lose connection which stops the communication with the rest of the controllers down the line. There is no set pattern that I have been able to detect to this happening. I have changed both ethernet cables to this controller with two new ones and that has not resolved the issue. The board is a new G3 LOR 16 channel board. I have a spare controller but it will be difficult to change out this particular controller. Any help will be appreciated. I have not opened a help ticket yet.

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