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Elden tree not lighting up all the way

Littleton Light Show

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Bought an Elden tree and changed its unit ID(30) to 1A.  I also turned all Dip Switches off as well.

So right now the first stand of the outline light up, then 25(pixels) of the second strand of the outline don't light up and the first 25(pixels) do?  The eyes and mouth all light up as well and work fine?  Kind of weird 


I also checked all pixels and they work and have power, so I'm not sure what is going on.  Any help would be great

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Pixie 2's use 2 ID's. 1 per port. You set the first, the other is the next. 1B in your case. Is your sequence set to use 1B for that string?

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27 minutes ago, TheDucks said:

Pixie 2's use 2 ID's. 1 per port. You set the first, the other is the next. 1B in your case. Is your sequence set to use 1B for that string?

Yeah the outline and the star are on 1A and the face is 1B.  Still doing the same thing though?  Weird

28 minutes ago, dibblejr said:

Check for a jumper on JP5. Remove. Also go to the HU and ensure the Logical Resolution is 50


Ok.  I removed the JP5 jumper, but I haven't checked that setting on the HU.  Will do after my show tonight.  Thanks

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27 minutes ago, TheDucks said:

Pixie 2's use 2 ID's. 1 per port. You set the first, the other is the next. 1B in your case. Is your sequence set to use 1B for that string?

While this is true for normal Pixie 2's, the LOR singing trees have special firmware. They have a single unit id and just 24 channels.

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12 hours ago, MattBrown said:

While this is true for normal Pixie 2's, the LOR singing trees have special firmware. They have a single unit id and just 24 channels.

I'm a bit puzzled with this one Matt.      So I'm going to ask a couple questions about these aspects.

When I first got mine, I set them up as Smart RGB controllers, both were given TWO ID numbers, 1 ID per port,  And 100 bulbs{channels} per port.  When dibblejr, set me straight on how to set them up, they still USED 2 ID's, because if I tried to use, for example: Ralphie is using ID #'s 0A and 0B, if I used ID #0B for Zuzu, she would NOT function, but when I gave her ID #0C she did.  And then I had to skip ID #0D, since that was in use as Zuzu's 2nd ID #.  So 2nd ID #0D also belongs to Zuzu.

   Just doesn't appear that way to me, not when I tried using that 2nd ID # and it couldn't be used.  I know BOTH ports do act as 1 unit in their 8 channel/24 circuit set-up, but I still believe they are still utilizing 2 ID #'s, based on my own experience with setting them up, and, again, not being able to use that 2nd ID #.   Which, if not being used, I had thought, and did, believe it was useable, but wasn't.   Perhaps I'm missing something, so, if you would, please fill in the blanks, so I{and possibly others} can understand this better.    As I believe most of us here have always treated the Singing Trees controllers as a DUAL ID controller.

If the controllers that come with the LOR Singing Tree{s} are configured with "special firmware" specific to the singing trees, what happens to that "special" firmware when you update the Singing Tree controller to the latest FW for the Pixie2 that controls them?  

I ask, because I updated both mine {Ralphie and Zuzu} to FW1.07 when it was released, prior to that I believe the FW that was in mine was either 1.04 or 1.06.

So would updating the FW that wasn't created specifically for the Singing Trees create any problems?  Or is this factored in when FW updates are made for the Pixie2 controllers?

Just wanting to make sure I didn't foul up anything by updating to the latest FW in my Singing Tree Pixie 2 controllers!


Thank you for the time in answering these.


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Yeah I updated mine to v1.07 and assigned them to 1A and 1B and I still have the same result.  

I tried another strand of 12v pixels I had laying around and they didn't even light up?  

So I'm at a loss right now🤯 

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14 hours ago, TheDucks said:

Pixie 2's use 2 ID's. 1 per port. You set the first, the other is the next. 1B in your case. Is your sequence set to use 1B for that string?

Only use the main ID for the trees in DUMB RGB Mode.  8 channels and 24 circuits, the 2nd strand IS NOT set up with the 2nd ID #.  Although the unit appears as a Single ID controller, it still has 2 ID #'s, but that 2nd ID IS NOT set up in the sequence or anywhere else for use with the Singing Tree.  Nor can you use that 2nd ID on another controller, it will create a conflict.  I know from my own experience setting mine up incorrectly at first, and then thinking they only had a single ID, but in reality they do use, and have 2 ID's.

But the tree must be set up correctly to function 100% in a sequence.

EDIT: I don't know if S5 {haven't played around with it enough yet} will show this as S4 does, but here are two screenshots of Ralphies Channel set up from 4.4.16 Pro, one is Channel 1 the Outline and 8 is the Mouth "Oh" setting.  If you notice, everything is identical down all channels EXCEPT the circuit ID's.  If these are wrong anywhere, they can cause the issues you're having.  Hope these may be of some help.

@ Matt Brown {I think I just figured out what you meant by a single ID in your earlier reply!}

Singing Tree - Screenshot-01.JPG

Singing Tree - Screenshot-02.JPG

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9 minutes ago, Littleton Light Show said:

Yeah I updated mine to v1.07 and assigned them to 1A and 1B and I still have the same result.  

I tried another strand of 12v pixels I had laying around and they didn't even light up?  

So I'm at a loss right now🤯 

I think you may have misconfigured your trees channel settings.

Check your sequence and be sure all channels are set correctly, the 1st channel {Tree Outline} should use circuits 1,2 and 3, the next channel 4,5,6, next 7,8,9 until you get to the 8th which should be 22,23,24.   So you should have 24 circuits, and no more than 8 channels, and circuits should be 1-24 in multiples of 3 per channel as outlined previously.

Sometimes you can make an error and type in the wrong starting number and that can cause all sorts of things not to work.  So you need to check each trees channel settings and circuits to be sure they are correct.  

Those 8 channels SHOULD also only use the first ID # of the controller, the 2nd ID IS NOT used anywhere, it's just there.

Good luck.


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Pixies support Singing tree Macro (prop)channels. on the first 4 ports  (if equipped) See p16 (advanced configuration. This is the same place Color order is set)

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5 hours ago, Orville said:

I think you may have misconfigured your trees channel settings.

Check your sequence and be sure all channels are set correctly, the 1st channel {Tree Outline} should use circuits 1,2 and 3, the next channel 4,5,6, next 7,8,9 until you get to the 8th which should be 22,23,24.   So you should have 24 circuits, and no more than 8 channels, and circuits should be 1-24 in multiples of 3 per channel as outlined previously.

Sometimes you can make an error and type in the wrong starting number and that can cause all sorts of things not to work.  So you need to check each trees channel settings and circuits to be sure they are correct.  

Those 8 channels SHOULD also only use the first ID # of the controller, the 2nd ID IS NOT used anywhere, it's just there.

Good luck.


So I had all 8 channels and all circuits set from 1-24.  I unload the show and go into the HU and do a quick test on the lights, and guess what they work!?  What in the world?  Why are the outline lights picking and choosing what days they want to work!?!  

Also, I have the main network cable connected to my 16x25 Tree and then I have the Elden tree hooked to that.  Would that be causing an issue?  Just thinking aloud and trying to think of reasons 


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13 hours ago, Orville said:

I'm a bit puzzled with this one Matt.      So I'm going to ask a couple questions about these aspects.

When I first got mine, I set them up as Smart RGB controllers, both were given TWO ID numbers, 1 ID per port,  And 100 bulbs{channels} per port.  When dibblejr, set me straight on how to set them up, they still USED 2 ID's, because if I tried to use, for example: Ralphie is using ID #'s 0A and 0B, if I used ID #0B for Zuzu, she would NOT function, but when I gave her ID #0C she did.  And then I had to skip ID #0D, since that was in use as Zuzu's 2nd ID #.  So 2nd ID #0D also belongs to Zuzu.

   Just doesn't appear that way to me, not when I tried using that 2nd ID # and it couldn't be used.  I know BOTH ports do act as 1 unit in their 8 channel/24 circuit set-up, but I still believe they are still utilizing 2 ID #'s, based on my own experience with setting them up, and, again, not being able to use that 2nd ID #.   Which, if not being used, I had thought, and did, believe it was useable, but wasn't.   Perhaps I'm missing something, so, if you would, please fill in the blanks, so I{and possibly others} can understand this better.    As I believe most of us here have always treated the Singing Trees controllers as a DUAL ID controller.

If the controllers that come with the LOR Singing Tree{s} are configured with "special firmware" specific to the singing trees, what happens to that "special" firmware when you update the Singing Tree controller to the latest FW for the Pixie2 that controls them?  

I ask, because I updated both mine {Ralphie and Zuzu} to FW1.07 when it was released, prior to that I believe the FW that was in mine was either 1.04 or 1.06.

So would updating the FW that wasn't created specifically for the Singing Trees create any problems?  Or is this factored in when FW updates are made for the Pixie2 controllers?

Just wanting to make sure I didn't foul up anything by updating to the latest FW in my Singing Tree Pixie 2 controllers!


Thank you for the time in answering these.


You will be good with a FM update IF needed. The old rule "if it works dont fix it".


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19 hours ago, Littleton Light Show said:




So I had all 8 channels and all circuits set from 1-24.  I unload the show and go into the HU and do a quick test on the lights, and guess what they work!?  What in the world?  Why are the outline lights picking and choosing what days they want to work!?!  

Also, I have the main network cable connected to my 16x25 Tree and then I have the Elden tree hooked to that.  Would that be causing an issue?  Just thinking aloud and trying to think of reasons 


I wish I had more experience with S5, but not yet.  If I did, I'd just have you send me your sequence and I'd check it oer and see if I could figure out what's going on with it.  It sure seems something isn't configured correctly somewhere along the way.   Sometimes a second set of eyes looking at something may find something that was right there in front of you the entire time.  But you just kept missing it.  U made an error in my settings in the sequence when I set my trees up, I kpwt looking and looking, I looked so hard at them, I kept missing the obvious that was right there.   I was sure they were all configuredmcorrectly, but there it was, 2 channels both with the same circuit ID numbers in them.   Took me about 5 days to figure out, and that was after I just stayed away from the programming for 2 days before I went back to take a fresh look at it.

But this time of year, that's a little harder to do, but if there was someone that could work through yur sequence using the software you're using, chances are they'd find the issue {if it is sequence related} and could help correct it.  If hardware, then yu need someone local to yu that could come over and help you through it, providing they have the LOR singing trees and controllers.

Best of luck on getting the Singing TRee operational.  Wish I could be of more help.  But my knowledge of S5 is currently severely limited.

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