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making 3 custom effect rows for Arches


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OK here's what I did. I want to see if I can get my arches to start in the middle and one side go left and the other side go right, or go from the out side to the middle, so I created 3  motion effects rows, made one Left custom and selected node 1-12, the 2nd Right custom node 14-25. The 3rd effect rows for all 25 nodes so no custom. I thought that would work, but I can't get the left and right sides to meet at the top at the same time! I tried changes the speed, but that didn't work. Any Ideas here? I not sure what else to try.

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I have one motion effects row for each of my four arches, with each arch being 50 pixels.  As @k6ccc suggests, just use Motion Effects to get the desired effect (in your case curtain).  It makes it so much easier.   Best thing to do is just go through all the effects and see what each one does overlayed on an arch.  It may give you ideas for other effects to use in your show.  Some of the effects are meant for "solids", like a matrix or a mega tree, so the arch will just likely display the outer edge of the effect.  Some effects, like "text", will simply not work on arch.

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