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old ctb08 solid led but will not read in hardware utility


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Hi I have a old ctb08 , the kind with jumpers you have to change for phone or data cable . My problem is i am getting solid led on board but hardware utility will not find it . I have been able to find all my other units, but not this one, any ideas. cable works tested with other boards. thanks

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I have 7 of these. Have you tried to reset the unit ID on the controller. It could be set higher than what you are looking for and it wont pick it up. Example your controller ID is set to 20 and you are only looking for 10 controllers (max units) it wont see anything over 10. try that or try resetting the unit ID.


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Anthony in Houston wrote:

I have 7 of these. Have you tried to reset the unit ID on the controller. It could be set higher than what you are looking for and it wont pick it up. Example your controller ID is set to 20 and you are only looking for 10 controllers (max units) it wont see anything over 10. try that or try resetting the unit ID.


That's most likely it-- I have a bunch of these too, and if the firmware chip has never been updated, they had an issue where noise on the data line could cause them to reprogram their ID's. The fix was to hook them up by themselves to the HWU, and use the change ID tool to change "Any ID" to whatever ID it's supposed to be.

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