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RGB star set up questions

Mr Christmas

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I recently bought a pixie controller with 2- 50 bullet  RGB strands. I bought 2 additional 50 strands and am going to purchase the Superstar RGB star kit. I assigned a new unit number to the controller and am able to test using the Hardware and the controller test button. But I can't seem to get the lights to work with superstar sequencer or the Pixie program????

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Which Pixie?  Also note Pixies ports are relative to the base address.  Your show must use the correct Port (and color order)

Port 1  Base ID

port 2 Base + 1

port 3 Base + 2

(... you get the idea )


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1 hour ago, Mr Christmas said:

I recently bought a pixie controller with 2- 50 bullet  RGB strands. I bought 2 additional 50 strands and am going to purchase the Superstar RGB star kit. I assigned a new unit number to the controller and am able to test using the Hardware and the controller test button. But I can't seem to get the lights to work with superstar sequencer or the Pixie program????

Did you assign the new unit ID in

the HU and forget to turn off the sup switches?

When you open and close the HU does the HU find the pixie as the number you set or unit #1?

Most typical problem, people set the unit ID in HUand test lights all is well until they close HU. If they forget to turn off the dip switch that is on from factory the unit reverts back to #1 as soon as the HU closes.

See me writeup in the General Hardware section - very top on setting up and. I figuring the pixie controllers- they all work the same

Also S5 and S4 same Setup in HU


Edited by dibblejr
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I forgot the sup switches! Darn new fangled controllers! It is a Pixie 2 controller with 2 50 bullet pixels per port. Can this be sequenced using the Pixel Editor?

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8 minutes ago, Mr Christmas said:

I forgot the sup switches! Darn new fangled controllers! It is a Pixie 2 controller with 2 50 bullet pixels per port. Can this be sequenced using the Pixel Editor?

It is a Pixie, so yes

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1 hour ago, Mr Christmas said:

Thanks, that will make it a lot easier. 

My dumb phone error *dip switch

Glad it worked.


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