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Ok guys a little confused here.  I am new to LOR and just starting out with the Residential Series 16 Channel Starter Package which I received on January 5th.  To date I have been working on getting my monster and Christmas singing faces up and running.

I have managed to get them half way going except I have ran into some not really issues just questions.  

A couple of Questions While purchasing sequences for the faces. I have noticed different file extensions.

---Purchased Files are usually a .lms (exception for Wowlights and they are .exe and install automatically) Is this Correct?
---I have also noticed that when I do changes to the .lms like the channels or Unit ID or Start Circuit # and save as it converts the file to .loredit

1. It the .loredit file needed somewhere else to play or schedule I take it? 

I notice to upload Visualizer you need files with .lee,.lpf,.lff (Have not had to use yet)

2. What is the difference with Visualizer and Animation? And why do some sequences have them and some don't or am I installing them wrong?

3. Next I have notice some more file conventions where are these used? .lms.bak,.lms.lcs,lms.lsv,lms.pe.lid,lpe,lpe.bak

Playing around I also have found when making a preview you can import props using .lpeprop extension.

4. Why are sequences out of order? And does changing the start circuit mess things up?

I have one 16 channel controller and noticed that the sequence are out of order?

1. Frame/Outline UNIT ID 1 Start Circuit 1
2. Eyes Closed  UNIT ID 1 Start Circuit 3
3. Eyes Opened  UNIT ID 1 Start Circuit 2
4. Upper Lip  UNIT ID 1 Start Circuit 4
5. Mid Lip  UNIT ID 1 Start Circuit 5
6. Bottom Lip  UNIT ID 1 Start Circuit 6
7. AHH    UNIT ID 1 Start Circuit 8
8. O Mouth UNIT ID 1 Start Circuit 7

EXAMPLE (This one didn't even use Circuit 8)
1. Frame/NOSE UNIT ID 1 Start Circuit 9
2. Eyes Opened  UNIT ID 1 Start Circuit 1
3. Eyes Closed  UNIT ID 1 Start Circuit 2
4. Top Lip  UNIT ID 1 Start Circut 3
5. Middle Lip  UNIT ID 1 Start Circuit 4
6. Bottom Lip  UNIT ID 1 Start Circuit 5
7. O Mouth    UNIT ID 1 Start Circuit 7
8. Wavey Mouth UNIT ID 1 Start Circuit 6

1. Frame/NOSE UNIT ID 2 Start Circuit 2 < WHY USE UNIT ID 2?>
2. Eyes Opened  UNIT ID 1 Start Circuit 10
3. Eyes Closed  UNIT ID 1 Start Circuit 11
4. Top Lip  UNIT ID 1 Start Circut 13
5. Middle Lip  UNIT ID 1 Start Circuit 14
6. Bottom Lip  UNIT ID 1 Start Circuit 12
7. O Mouth    UNIT ID 2 Start Circuit 1 <----Why go back to UNIT ID 2>
8. Wavey Mouth UNIT ID 1 Start Circuit 15

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Those are Channel ASSIGNMENTS

Please do not call them Sequence, it will confuse us.

Sequence is what you create for a show. Turn ON #3, fade up #5...

The Channel order LIST order is a bit odd looking, but all you need to be sure of, is ALL your sequences use the same ID and Channel  FOR THAT PROP

There may have been different Trees used that did not have a specific feature (Eg no topper star). If they are LOR trees, you can find documentation at http://www1.lightorama.com/documentation/

(this shows Pixel groupings, but you can use the first # as Channel (CAUTION you use a separate string Per feature, you can NOT cut mini lights or LEDS just anywhere. Cap or blacken the excess bulbs)

My WAG on the last, is it was the second Prop on the controller and they overflowed onto another (or the channels died and they moved to those)

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27 minutes ago, wickedstangs said:

A couple of Questions While purchasing sequences for the faces. I have noticed different file extensions.

---Purchased Files are usually a .lms (exception for Wowlights and they are .exe and install automatically) Is this Correct?
---I have also noticed that when I do changes to the .lms like the channels or Unit ID or Start Circuit # and save as it converts the file to .loredit

Lots of questions.  Let me see if I can answer all of them...

Prior to S5, LOR sequence files used two extensions.  .lms (LOR Musical Sequence), and .las (LOR Animation Sequence).  With S5, the file format changed and so did the extension used.  Now the sequence files are .loredit  The first time you load a .lms or .las sequence into S5, it will convert it to a .loredit file.  After that you will never touch the .lms or .las file again.

30 minutes ago, wickedstangs said:

1. It the .loredit file needed somewhere else to play or schedule I take it? 

As I said, in S5, the .loredit file replaced the .las and .lms.  Except on inital loading of a .las or .lms file, you will always be using the .loredit file.  BTW, the S5 show player CAN still play a .lms or .las file so for those of use that used to use S4 and have lots of S4 .las or .lms files, we can play them in a show without having to modify the sequence in S5.

33 minutes ago, wickedstangs said:

2. What is the difference with Visualizer and Animation? And why do some sequences have them and some don't or am I installing them wrong?

The Animator was an early way of getting a visual indication of what the sequence would look like.  Data for a animator was saved as part of the .las or .lms file.  Later, the Animator was largely replaced with Visualizer - which uses .lee files.  Visualizer was a more advanced way of displaying the sequence.  Visualizer is a separate program (unlike Animator), but is part of the LOR suite of programs that installed with S3 or S4.  Visualizer could also be used to input a channel configuration into SuperStar.  Visualizer was retired with S5.  The Preview Editor in S5 can import a visualization .lee file, but since you never ran S4, you presumably do not have any Visualizer files.

37 minutes ago, wickedstangs said:

3. Next I have notice some more file conventions where are these used? .lms.bak,.lms.lcs,lms.lsv,lms.pe.lid,lpe,lpe.bak

All the various .bak files are automated backups.  Let me see if I get the other right.  .lms.lcs is a compressed version of a .lms.  lms.lsv is a files that saves the state of your sequencer screen.  .lid files are a streaming data format that is used with Motion Effects and SuperStar effects playback.  I could give you a long answer on that if really wanted.

There are also prop files, preview files, and several others.

42 minutes ago, wickedstangs said:

4. Why are sequences out of order? And does changing the start circuit mess things up?

As theducks said, those are channels.  Channels can be in whatever order you want.  For things like singing faces, there are a couple standards, but there is no requirement to use any of them.  If you get a sequence from someone else, the probability is that the channel order will not match your channels, so you will need to alter their preview or copy and past into your sequence that has the right channel order.


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5 minutes ago, TheDucks said:


My WAG on the last, is it was the second Prop on the controller and they overflowed onto another (or the channels died and they moved to those)

That's what I was thinking.  Since I only have one controller and its ID is 1 with channels 1-16 .  I am safe to change UNIT ID to 1 and change all start circuit 1-8 in order and 8-16?

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The channels being out of order on that one screen is the last thing I'd worry about.

Until you know where the various parts of the faces are going to be hooked up to *your* controllers, changing them in the Preview is simply a waste of time.

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Typical face setup for LED faces

1- outline

2-eyes open

3- eyes closed

4- top lip

For all 8 movement faces the top 4 are consistent

Below is where things can change especially if getting any of my face sequences 

5- Mid Lip/ mouth

6- Bottom Lip


8- Ah / wavy

You must pay attention to what sequences you are purchasing - some of the Wow lights and all of the LOR are 4 mouth movements and not 5 

If you buy 4 mouth mov for a 5 mouth mov face you will be missing a mouth and it will look like carp. Yoi will have dead spots.

Safe to say if you have questions in the singing face area you can ask me and I can walk you through this in either s4 and s5

Looks to me if your opening post is correct there is a  quality control problem wherever you purchased.

Dont buy anything that  pertaining to RGB. While they can be used you will need a little more sequencing time to figure it out. 

Any normal face sequence can be converted to RGB but that is also a ways down the road for you.

Shoot me a pm if needed.



Edited by dibblejr
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Here are the extensions that were used in S4:

.LAS is an Animation Sequence
.LMS is a Musical Sequence
.LSV is what saves your visual preferences (zoom level, etc) within the Sequence Editor.

.LCS is the compressed sequence. You won't edit this file. It's created by the software.
.LSC is the schedule files. These are created/edited when you adjust your schedule.

.LCC is the Light-O-Rama Channel Configuration file.
.SUP is a Superstar Editor file.
.LEE - Visualizer file.
.LFF - Visualizer fixture file
.LPF - Visualizer prop file
.LPE - Pixel Editor file
.LID - Intensity Data file


S5 Specific LOR file extensions
.LOREDIT – This is the file that is used in the LOR Sequencer.

.BAK is a backup file. It’s created every time you save a sequence. (Animation or Musical.)

Edited by Mr. P
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With S5, several of those go away and a bunch of new ones were created.  First the ones that go away or are depreciated.

.LAS and .LMS are depreciated.  S5 can read them, but will convert them into S5 format and save as .loredit
.LSV is gone

.SUP is a Superstar Editor file.  Still there, but largely hidden from you.
.LEE is depreciated.  If you have these from S4, the Preview Editor can import them (might even work right)
.LFF and .LPF are depreciated.  If you have these from S4, the Preview Editor can import them (these work)

.LPE is likely gone.

Now the new ones for S5

.loredit - The new S5 sequencer files (animation or musical)

.avi - the file that is used to export SuperStar data into Sequencer

.lpeprop - Preview prop files

.lorprev - Preview files

.lorchan - channel arrangement within the Sequencer (NOT channel assignment)


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  • 7 months later...
On 2/3/2021 at 11:34 AM, dibblejr said:

Typical face setup for LED faces

1- outline

2-eyes open

3- eyes closed

4- top lip

For all 8 movement faces the top 4 are consistent

Below is where things can change especially if getting any of my face sequences 

5- Mid Lip/ mouth

6- Bottom Lip


8- Ah / wavy

You must pay attention to what sequences you are purchasing - some of the Wow lights and all of the LOR are 4 mouth movements and not 5 

If you buy 4 mouth mov for a 5 mouth mov face you will be missing a mouth and it will look like carp. Yoi will have dead spots.

Safe to say if you have questions in the singing face area you can ask me and I can walk you through this in either s4 and s5

Looks to me if your opening post is correct there is a  quality control problem wherever you purchased.

Dont buy anything that  pertaining to RGB. While they can be used you will need a little more sequencing time to figure it out. 

Any normal face sequence can be converted to RGB but that is also a ways down the road for you.

Shoot me a pm if needed.



JR sent you a PM and thank you..

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On 2/3/2021 at 1:23 PM, k6ccc said:

.SUP is a Superstar Editor file.  Still there, but largely hidden from you.

 If you purchase a SuperStar sequence from @BrianBruderer, it will come as a .SUP file, with instructions on how to insert it into your sequence.


.LPE is likely gone.

When you convert a .LMS or .LAS file, if there is also a .LPE file, it will be merged into the .LOREDIT file.

The last time I looked, the show player will convert the .LOREDIT file into a stripped-down .LMS file, which is saved in an internal directory and used to play the sequence. It may also be further converted into a .LCS file. This makes your show run faster (after the 1st time, at least).

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