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Adding a Second Pixcon 16


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I've been holding this question until after most people have ended their show. But we will be adding a second Pixcon 16 to our show and it will be running only a mega tree. I am curious what i will have to do to get the second Pixcon on the network? Can i just plug it in and let the router give it an IP? Do i need to go to static ips on both now that there are two? Can i set the second Pixcon16 to recognize that its first universe is 17? Any help or guidance would be greatly appricated. Thank you in advance. 

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May have just found my answer. Found this on the Pixcon 16 link. Advanced configuration options including start universe

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yup everyone can ignore my ignorant question. I have spent months looking for this answer to find it 2 minutes after i ask lol. Typical. Thanks tho

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