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Changing Pixie Configuration


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This is a really wierd issue.  I got two new Pixie controllers, and after much struggle, I got them up and working for X-mas, which was wonderful.  One was a freeform tree wrap, the other was configured as a square matrix.  Today, (because I'm an idiot, apparently), I decided to try to reconfigure the matrix as a standard pole tree.  I literally moved it from one side of the yard to the other, and mounted the controller on the tree pole.  Same network cable, same network (connected to the other pixie and then the show director).    I changed the configuration in S5 from "rectangle" (which was working) to Tree 360 Wedge, and made sure the ID was set the same as it was before.  Power is on, the light stops blinking when I connect the network cable, but the lights do not flash for the show.  ???  When I connect it to my computer, I can see it on the network, and it is at the right ID, and I can test it.  I powered all the controllers off and on again, hoping that might do something, but nothing.  

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I figured it out! When I changed the prop configuration, it reset all the settings to default, so not only did I have to reset the controller ID, but also tell it that this controller was on the AUX A network.

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