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Singing trees not singing


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does anyone had a problem with the singing trees?  I bought 2 of them in the spring sale for xmas  I installed them with just the rgb star (daisy Chained) the rgb star is on my com9 with aux e network   rgb star is channel 36 and 38   my singing tree default is regular network and channel 30,31 32,33   I just installed 2 trees and it is network E, channel 0A and 0C  i used these channels cause they were not being used. I got the motion paks and the regular sequences cause the motion paks require the base sequence.  so i installed the base sequence and used Hub to install the motion pak  the base sequence has its own preview and it put the singing tree in the preview   but does not play the trees in the preview nor the actual lights   Have I missed something?  i know in the sequencer they have the newer network  and com and channels in the revised configuration

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13 hours ago, Douglas said:

does anyone had a problem with the singing trees?  I bought 2 of them in the spring sale for xmas  I installed them with just the rgb star (daisy Chained) the rgb star is on my com9 with aux e network   rgb star is channel 36 and 38   my singing tree default is regular network and channel 30,31 32,33   I just installed 2 trees and it is network E, channel 0A and 0C  i used these channels cause they were not being used. I got the motion paks and the regular sequences cause the motion paks require the base sequence.  so i installed the base sequence and used Hub to install the motion pak  the base sequence has its own preview and it put the singing tree in the preview   but does not play the trees in the preview nor the actual lights   Have I missed something?  i know in the sequencer they have the newer network  and com and channels in the revised configuration

A few notes here.

1- if using Motion Packs and the LOR sequences , do not change anything in the original sequence. Make a copy and use that for sequencing. The HUB will not sync a LOR Purchased Sequence and a MP if any ting detail is changed. 

2- The pixie2's that control the LOR Singing Quartet use 2 unit ID's per controller. You will only see one in the sequence but there are two. So think two unit ID's

3- Ports not Channels 

4- Open each controller (8 screws) and turn off all dip switches. Connect your data cable and close them back up for good.

5- After turning off the dip switches go to the HU and set the Unit ID- Remember if you use OA it consumes OA and OB so if you have OB set for another controller you will have to rethink your unit ID's.

Best of luck, have questions feel free to PM me. At this time of year I try to stay off the forums until late, like now. LOL But I do reply to 'most" PM;s.


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