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Jumping of the deep end...............

James Shelby

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I have been running 100 16 channel controllers from 2006. I would like to change my 30 foot tree to pixels and I don't have a clue how to start, help please. I'm running 4 LOR networks now do I need to change any of that? I would need to do 128 strands around. The tree is 16 feet in diameter. 

Edited by James Shelby
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Pixels are way different to conventional lights. You cannot think in terms of strands anymore. you will need to decide on what you want the tree to do.

Images and text need higher resolution than patterns and therefore more pixels closer together.

Just to put it in perspective, a typical string of 12V 100 count pixels is about 5 amps. and at 30 ft long would be 3.6 inch spacing for your tree, OK but not great.

So, that quickly becomes 128 controller ports with one string per port. Larger controllers have 16 ports, so, about 10 controllers capable of 5 amps per port.

There are ways to trim that a bit but it's still going to be a lot of power and controllers. And that's before we even get to the need to keep lead ins short and power injection.

Lastly we are looking at sequencing 38000 channels to get the tree to do something. That will certainly need S5 and optionally SuperStar.

My point is it's a pretty big project to start with and you might want to consider starting a bit smaller to get your feet wet.


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For my response, I will use my setup as an example (with a regular and an enhanced network).  All your AC controllers are likely running on a "regular" type LOR network at 57.6K.  You would create a new "enhanced" network, like "Aux A" that you would run at 500K or higher.  In my case, I run all AC controllers off network 1 and all pixel and RGB strings (including DMX) off network 2 at 500K.  You will need to make sure your props are properly defined in Preview, utilizing the correct network.  I would recommend against mixing pixel based and AC controllers on the same network.  I believe you can, but I think it would only create more confusion in debugging.  I think it is better to keep like-things grouped.

I agree with start off small. 

Last year I added pixel-based leaping arches (run off a pixie4) that helped me understand some of the basics for setup and configurations.  This year I added 6 singing pixel-based bulbs (run off a PixCon16), an 8x50 pixel matrix (run off a pixie8) and a 16x50 pixel tree, 180 degree orientation (run off a pixie16).  But I did a lot of experimenting in the "lab" early this fall to become familiar with how to configure in preview, how to work it into the sequences, and to verify proper hardware setup and expectations.  It takes time.

Also, allow a lot of time to convert over to S5 and the learning curve associated with it.  I learned my lesson 2 years ago (and documented here):

But in the end, it was all worth it.

Edited by hasslerk
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I have power to do a lot more than this so power is not a problem. Going big or small, big is easier to start out first for me. Right now I am at 9.5 inches getting down to 4.75 would be easy but you felt around 3 is better. I could build for 3" and for now only buy 2/3 of the strands. I have a new PC and modifying the 27 songs is doable before the summer. How long is 100 pixels.?

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Stock spacing if there is such a thing is about 4 inches. Custom strings are possible at no extra charge form many vendors. You will probably want to look at Boscoyo Studio or similar for their mounting strips.

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I have a good friend who helped me get started with LOR in 2007 he now has a pro lighting company. I have asked him for quotes that way I can just worry about programming. Everything around here for LOR has got to be ready by October 1st. But 2021 really starts next week and the install of lights starts the last week of July. Gives me a lot on my plate for 2021 season. Thanks guys for your help I am sure I will have more questions later.

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10 hours ago, James Shelby said:

I have power to do a lot more than this so power is not a problem. Going big or small, big is easier to start out first for me. Right now I am at 9.5 inches getting down to 4.75 would be easy but you felt around 3 is better. I could build for 3" and for now only buy 2/3 of the strands. I have a new PC and modifying the 27 songs is doable before the summer. How long is 100 pixels.?

HC Bullets: I drill on 3" centers, for 12.5' per fifty (25' for 100). The power on these is ~5A

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My 360 pixel tree is only 12' high but your best option is to use pixel strips. They are drilled. You can put the tentioner adapters on them to get them good and tight.

If I was you I would use pixcon16's. yes I love pixies but with e1.31 you can get more bang for your buck when it comes to that many pixels. 


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I have been doing a bunch of reading on mega trees with pixels and from the info I have found so far it looks like I will need 8 controllers with 16 strands per controller at 100 pixels per strand. Unless I am reading the information wrong. I have 64 steel cables on my current mega tree I would need to add 64 more cables. I also found trampoline springs for cheap to keep the cables tight.  

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  • 2 weeks later...

If I am following you correctly, you plan on attaching the lights to the steel cables?  If so, your pixels may be pointing in various directions.  The mounting strips I mentioned before help keep all the pixels evenly spaced and pointing "out".  This method provides for the biggest impact when using a pixel mega tree.  The mounting strips do not require to be mounted to anything (other than at the top and bottom).  The trampoline springs sound like a great idea, and can be utilized with the mounting strips as long as you utilize the MISR clips I mentioned above.

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