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Pixel CCRII Tree 16


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I have a 16 CCRII Pixel Tree, about 3 years old.  One of the CCRII (#3) have started to act up.  The symptoms are as follows.  I turn off the controller about an hour after the shows at night, then that controller goes on the next evening 30 minutes before the shows (have it set to a Wemo plug).  When I turned the box on during the day today to start testing it, CCR#3 worked.  However, tonight CCR #3 worked for a little bit then froze on red in different places on the CCR strip, then I turned off the controller for a 1 minute and the red freeze goes away, but then CCRII #3 does not work at all anymore.  I think my issue may be in the controller on that channel (#3), what is the best way to troubleshoot.  I believe that the actual strip CCR#3 is working because it worked today when I first turned it on during the day to test and again tonight when my shows began.  Seems like after the controller is running for a while CCR#3 has issues.  Also any ideas for a quick fix that will not cause my controller to go out.





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Correction - disregard the above information I think I just discovered that the CCRII lead wire (#3) looks like it is fraying.  I assume I can just cut the outside piece of the three whites and splice it.  When I wiggled the lead wire the CCR strip would go on, then after a while go off or to partial.   Am I correct in my assumption?  See a picture of the wire. 

CCRII Fray.jpg

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Properly done splices are fine for pixels.

By properly, I mean: 1) 1 for 1 lead match (might be color making it easy). 2) Neatly spliced , soldered or crimp and well insulated from the other splices ( 💡 If you have extra length available: stagger the splices so no 2 are alongside each other. makes a tighter patch). 3) Wrap (seal) the entire area to prevent moisture and add strength

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