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Show Editor Crashes


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Anyway need help quick. I tried to run a show today for the first time this season. So far I have only 5 sequences. First sequence runs and the rest crash. I have been using lightorama since they started so I'm not a newbie.  This is the first yr using rgb controllers. I'm using V.4.4.10. All my sequences work fine in the sequence editor although they are quite slow.  They all test ok outside. All my sequences also use video. So I used the verifier and it came up with 12000 warnings. Most of them were intensity range warnings. The other half were off channels and i have fixed the 15 or so that i could.  Will the intensity range stop the show from running and if so how do i fix that without trying to do all the sequences over.  I have been working on these for weeks.  Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

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Which software version are you running?  Your message says 4.4.10, but your profile says 5.3.6.  I would start by making sure you're at the highest software level you can get to and/or do a license renewal (if you need) to get to the absolute latest version level. You also reference RGB controllers but also mention intensity warnings from the Verifier (which would suggest you're actually running pixels).

If you could please provide additional clarity that will help. 🙂

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I have approx 4600 Pixels using Alpha Pix controllers. I have 12 CTB16PC ready controllers for standard ac channels. Like I said the sequences work great on their own.  The show player just plays the first sequence in the show and crashes. I made it through 2 sequences once.

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Using verifier you can toggle one of  the tabs at the bottom and you can select the ignore all unused channels. This will then do that for all your sequences you verifier.

If using S4 and the preview (in pixel editor) make sure that each prop that is sequenced in the sequence editor that the (pixel editor prop veiw) tab at the top is checked sequence editor and like wise for props sequenced in the pixel editor is selected as pixel editor.

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Are there any messages in the Control Panel when the sequences crash?  Also what do you mean when you say they crash.  Do the sequences not play at all, start playing and stop, etc.  

A couple of things to try would be to upgrade to 4.4.14.  I would also try resaving your intensity data file just in case they somehow got corrupted.

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The first sequence plays in the show editor and which doesn't have pixels. All the rest of the sequences involve pixels. Show player just flashes through the rest of the sequences in like a second and stops.  All my props are listed in pixel editor and some of them are also in sequence editor.  Not sure how to change that. Sequence editor is my go to. I didn't find it necessary to use pixel editor for all my props. Can that be the problem and is there a quick fix?

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So, to repeat, what does the control panel status log report when it crashes. It might help to post a screenshot 

You are exporting the intensity files in PE, right, and the intensity data shows up at the bottom of the sequence in green.

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Yes I am saving the intensity files. Control panel says error with sequences. Is there a way to unlink some of the pixel editor props from the sequence editor?


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Right now I can make a show 3 songs long. It looks like a problem with 2 of the sequences now. I believe it was 3 songs that had a problem with before.  I went into pixel editor and changed something and that song works fine now, but i dont know what it is.  If I change the order of the show is doesn't work.


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So the latest on show editor.  I ran every sequence through the show editor by themselves and they appear to run.  Now i put them all together and the show seems to work for the moment. I dont know why that makes a difference unless it has something to do with compression and how large the sequences are. Any thoughts on this?


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Unless your file sizes are well in excess of a GB, loading time should not be an issue. However any time you make changes to a sequence, it will need to compress it the first time through the show which may take a little while for it to create the compressed file. After that the delay should be less than a second.

To be clear, i am talking about, delay BETWEEN songs, not during.

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Yes I understand that. Its running ok now but I think there is still something wrong in the sequences between sequence editor and pixel editor


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You said all of your sequences have video.  How large are the video files?  I'm just wondering if you're running into some type of memory error between the video, standard channels (if you have any), and the pixels.  I would still upgrade to 4.4.14 as the first thing to do in trying to resolve this.

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