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My show is having spasms


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Seriously, the title says it all...

If I play any sequence one at a time, the entire display works perfectly.

If I run a show, compressed or not.... EVERYTHING just spasms out, literally, everything just goes nuts, and flashes...

Running S5.5.2, here is the hardware breakdown

E1.31 from computer to switch, one output from Switch to 1st pixcon, another output to a second pixcon

DMX out of the first Pixcon to Universe 1, a mix of 16ch AC controllers and CMB24D boards, using terminator on last CMB24D board (same results with or without)

DMX output from second Pixcon to Universe 2, a mix of 16ch AC Controllers and CMB24 boards


Again, everything is fine until I load a show file, then all bets are off


any suggestions?

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Are you also running pixels on the PixCon16 controllers.  If so, what universes are used for the pixels?  Since you say that individual sequences work right, I am not suspecting a PixCon16 config issue, but more for better knowledge of what you are doing.

When you are playing a show, look at the LOR status panel to see what sequence is playing.  I'm wondering if there are more than one sequence playing at the same time - which would cause what you are seeing.



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Are you making the show in show editor using loredit files. 

Are you adding your sequences under the musical tab.

Are you using sequence compressor to prepare the play.lms files and lcs files. They should also be created the first time you play a show but with long delays on the first pass.

Try a show on demand and see if there is any difference 



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@k6ccc, i ran a new show without a sequence in the background section, and everything plays fine... i ran the verifier and found conflict on the intensity files. then i started thinking, that the two sequences were battling each other....

so  another question... if my animated background sequence only has 3 channels turned on, (static channels) and none of the other musical sequences have data on those 3 channels, how should i be creating the background sequence?

All channels including the static channels are listed on ALL sequences, and apparently when the files are saved the intensity files are what are conflicting and causing the problem.


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You need to have one preview that only has the three channels that will be in the background sequence, and another preview that has all the channels EXCEPT those three channels.

Use the three channel preview for the background sequence, and the preview with all the channels except those three channels for all the rest of the sequences.

16 minutes ago, nunofernandes said:

All channels including the static channels are listed on ALL sequences, and apparently when the files are saved the intensity files are what are conflicting and causing the problem.

Correct.  Having a channel in more than one sequence at the same time will cause problems.  And having the channel OFF will not solve your problem - it has to be GONE from the other sequence.


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@k6ccc, thank you. just made a copy of my preview and deleting all the musical props from it. I'll go back in and delete the background channels from the main preview as well.

thanks again.

Have a great weekend


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