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More Money than Brains. Network concerns.

Dave Pursel

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Ok,  So in order to keep a roof over LightORama's head and food on their table, I purchased a singing tree (CCC-II pixel controller w/200 pixels), 2 Cosmic Color Bulb strings using two CB100D controllers with 200 bulbs each, and 8 RGB floods using the CMB24D during spring sale over the last two years.  Of course I didn't do any research.  Just relying on what I think I've read over the years.  So now as I prepare to figure out what to do with them I'm discovering some issues I believe I'm going to encounter.

I'm running 20 CTB16PC kits on a standard network using a single network cable out of the G3-MP3 Director (which supports 2 separate high speed networks) (but I believe I still may have it configured as 19.2) into a RS485 repeater in order to create two "zones"  north / south (north=with 15 controllers) (south=with 5 controllers).

I've just discovered that the CCC-II's require a   Enhanced Network or ELOR. ( I do have the necessary PRO and CCR licenses)

Ok! So I just now as I'm writing and researching this, discovered that my old MP3 director with just one network doesn't support high speed networks.  So much for future use as a spare and question number one.

So maybe I don't have a problem.  But at some point mostly because of many of you out there that run directly from a pc, have said in the past, "just run your show from the pc", I may want to get rid of the G3-MP3-director and switch to pc based shows (also to try and incorporate a video projector), do I still need to be concerned with my network???  I did purchase a Red USB-RS485-HS  adapter.  So using this gives me the capability to run using a high speed network out of my pc.

Question one.  Will my old RS485 repeater work on the high speed network???  Or does it have speed limitations that's not documented??? 

Also note that I'm still running V2 software for sequences along with simple show builder to load the shows on the SD card.

But now with the newer pixel/bulb controllers I believe I need to finally migrate to a newer software version.

Can't find answers to the following questions.

I've been procrastinating on trying to convert all my sequences over to either v3 or v4 or v5 for various reasons for the past 6-7 years, that I don't even fully understand yet.

As example, Mike eliminated X-10 capability with V5 and I still have a couple of places where I do some pre show lighting activation.  X10 is still very reliable for me.

I've been searching and can't seem to find any postings about being able to "convert" my V2 sequences / visualizer / channels to V4 or V5.  If you know of any postings that address this I'd appreciate a pointer to it.

1st question.  Can I combine and load my Version 2 sequences using simple show builder as well as load the shows with sequences created from newer versions of software???  My thinking is the G3-MP3 Director is still just playing the sequences regardless of software versions, unless SSB does something special at build time based on the version of sequence???

I could use some of your opinions/thoughts here guys/gals.  Tx

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No issues you just caught the CLAP - Christmas Light Addiction Problem.

Your repeater will work for high speed if it is from 2017 or newer, 2016 and older will not.

I would recommend updating your software as your old S2 may not recognize the newer LOR equipment. Plus, all the new features are definitely worth the update.

I can't speak for S5 but converting your old sequences should just be a matter of loading and saving and they should convert at least up to S4.

Keep in mind that the older equipment can't run on enhanced networks (ELOR) so you will definitely need at least two networks, one for the newer faster equipment and one for the older, slower museum stuff.


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