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I have a Lor1602MP3. I loaded a sd card with three songs. It starts right but no audio out and in has a 2- 3 minute delay between songs or when it starts the first song again. I updated the firmware (lor has a new update for units sold this year around the time of the sale) Any ideas
Thanks in advance Don

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Don, I'm no expert, but I'll share my experience with the LOR Show Director with MP3 player. Have you formatted your SD card in FAT or FAT16, rather than FAT 32? The SD card that came with your LOR should have been reformatted in FAT, but if you are using a different card, it may have been formatted in FAT32.

When you ripped your songs, did you save them in a 128bps format? I forgot to do that with one song my first year and things were completely out of sync, but I still had audio.

When you ripped your songs, did you trim any blank time from the beginning and/or end? In most cases I've found that there is a delay before the sound actually begins and no sound at the end of the song that needs to be trimmed off for smooth continuity between songs. Just cut away the dead air.

I would certainly recommend contacting Tech Support as they are most helpful and have always been very responsive to my emails.

Good luck.

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Thank you for sending one of your sequence files. The problem is that the audio files you are using are wav files not mp3 files. This often happens to users and I consider it a deficiency in the software that it does not warn you when you create a SD card that the file is not correct. We will make some changes to create a warning.

What you need to do is convert your wav files to 128bps MP3 files. You can use the Audacity program to do so. Here is a link to a document from the support page that explains how to use the Audacity program: http://lightorama.com/Documents/Audacity_Lame_128Kbps.pdf


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LightORamaDan wrote:

Thank you for sending one of your sequence files. The problem is that the audio files you are using are wav files not mp3 files. This often happens to users and I consider it a deficiency in the software that it does not warn you when you create a SD card that the file is not correct. We will make some changes to create a warning.

What you need to do is convert your wav files to 128bps MP3 files. You can use the Audacity program to do so. Here is a link to a document from the support page that explains how to use the Audacity program: http://lightorama.com/Documents/Audacity_Lame_128Kbps.pdf

Dan, your timing to reply on this post was PERFECT. Just yesterday morning a friend of mine (first time LOR user) called me about a similar problem. I was scratching my head until I saw this post. I just called him to ask if he was using wav files and he was. It seems like it could be a common mistake that people are making. Yup I know, it says "MP3" all over the LOR unit and in the manual, but my friend made the same simple mistake.... and he is pretty savvy about audio files. Now he's embarrassed, but happy it is working. tnx
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I e-mail you last night 8 pm your time and you replied back to me the same night.You cannot get any better service than that in the world LOR ROCKS.

I used audacity and converted everything to mp3 ( I was told earlier in the year to convert to wav. that is why i did it. I don't remember who told me but it was on the forum). I loaded up a song on the sd card and tried it. It works great. Now I just hooked up 2 of my 15 boxes in the front yard and i am going to run it tonight.


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redsea300 wrote:

I was told earlier in the year to convert to wav. that is why i did it. I don't remember who told me but it was on the forum).

The reasons for using wav may not be necessary any more. An older version of LOR had a quirk about not syncing properly during the editing songs with certain mp3 formats. In 2.0.16 I have not seen any issues with mp3.
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Just pulled the controllers back into the house the test went GREAT.

I ran a 5 song list only had 32 channels running(that is all i have outside as of now) and it went perfect.


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That's super news. Glad things are perking along and you got over that hurdle. Hope the rest of the season works out well for you and making lifelong memories.

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