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BUG and or Broken Feature


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Beat Wizard does not list the channel for you to select. If you hit the drop down, it's blank.

If you add a channel, it's only a normal light channel and not RGB.

Also you can only add the beats to a freeform timing grid. Would like this to be applied to any timing grid.

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You can save the beat wizard information as 1) timing marks in a timing grid and/or 2) as effects on a beat channel.

If you choose to save it as timing marks, then it must go in a free-form timing grid.

If you choose to save it as effects, then it doesn't matter what the current timing grid is. However, the effects can only be saved to a **beat channel**. Once saved there, you can copy from the beat channel and paste it into your regular channels as desired.


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7 hours ago, MattBrown said:

You can save the beat wizard information as 1) timing marks in a timing grid and/or 2) as effects on a beat channel.

If you choose to save it as timing marks, then it must go in a free-form timing grid.

If you choose to save it as effects, then it doesn't matter what the current timing grid is. However, the effects can only be saved to a **beat channel**. Once saved there, you can copy from the beat channel and paste it into your regular channels as desired.


This seems like a broken feature compared to how it was in S4. You give me a drop down to select a channel to copy the beats into, yet nothing is listed. Why I can now only do it to a free form grid seems a bit crazy.

It really does take twice as long to do things in S5 now.

I understand the push for effects, but Xlights already does all that. And to be honest, it's also a lot more stable.

And don't even get my started on the copy paste features in S5. That part is really jacked up. But I will say this, I did a copy and paste of one circle to the next circle and it screwed up the paste... But it made for a new effect that I actually liked after I cleaned it up. So some bugs can work in your favor at times.

I am more than happy to do a remote session with you and show you first hand what I am seeing. I am all RGB and do all my pixel work inside of SE. No superstar, no motion effects... nothing.


Edited by gsmith37064
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As you can with the spinner vs the house beats... The spinner is off on the beats. I tried to do the beat wizard again for this prop and it was jacked. It came back with the wrong beat compared to the first time.

You still cannot select what channel you want to assign it to. Free form... ha! Bring back the way it worked in S4. At least it was complete and worked.

You can see the copy paste is broken at the 1:04 mark. I pasted a paste special for 16 times with 50 pixels. Only 2 pasted of the 16. I spend more time fixing the copy paste issue than anything.

At around the 1:22 mark you can see the copy paste was broken again and I ended up cleaning the issue up and making a neat little effect out of it. Kind of like ping pong.

Don't mind the colors as I have yet to do them. :)

But it will give you the idea of what I am dealing with.



Edited by gsmith37064
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So the paste is limited to 200 channels. In S4, it was pretty much unlimited. So if I paste into my 16 channel RGB spiral tree... I need to paste 8 times because it only allows 200 channels at one time to paste.

Can this be increased to at least 800 channels?


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hmmm... the paste seems to depend on how many pixels you have. I just grabbed a small 8x21 grid and pasted it 21 times. It pasted perfectly.

So if you have a TON of stuff selected, it's limited it seems to how much can be pasted. Very frustrating....

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Worked with Matt Brown this evening and he was able to reproduce the copy paste bugs. So for those of you that live in SE like I do, a fix is coming!! WOOT!!!!!!!



Thanks for taking the time to work with me. Glad I was able to shed some light on the issue for you and that you could reproduce it.

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