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16 CCR SLOW off Mini Director


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I've got 16 CCR's using WS2811 and 1 Pixie16 playing from a MiniDirector (It's OLD)... Circa 2012 maybe?

Anyway my lights can't keep up with the music. 

What can I do to speed it up? Is it my MiniDirector or something else?


Thanks in Advance


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Uh yeah .. that's way overloaded for an older gen minidirector.

Your two choices would be 1) Reduce the amount of data going across the wire by duplicating  ID's (which would reduce the amount of effects you could do) or 2) Find a newer director or run from the computer (with Red USB485's).


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Okay Progress. I ordered a RED USB485 device and I connected my old black USB485 to my computer and switched it to 500k (it was on 115.4k) and it looks GREAT!!

 So does the Mini Director run at 500k, How do I switch it?

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The old mini director will only go up to 115K speed.  The newer uMP3g3 will go up to 500K.  I have never used a director, so I can't help you change speeds on it.


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Ah figured it out. I was using the Simple SHOW Builder as I always had and should have used the "Hardware Ultility" to build the show as I could then adjust the network speed. 

And used the newer uMP3g3

Edited by daczone
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